26th Station: Kakegawa


When entering Kakegawa, you can see Kakegawa castle, a recently reconstructed castle. Kakegawa castle is well known as a castle of Yamanouchi Kazutoyo's success in life. Kazutoyo had worked for Toyotomi Hideyoshi for years but changed his master to Tokugawa Ieyasu after the Hideyoshi's death. Just before the Sekigahara war between Ishida (Toyotomi) and Tokugawa groups in 1600, Kazutoyo got a secret letter from his wife which described signs of trouble among Ishida (Toyotomi) group. Kazutoyo presented the letter to Ieyasu and even gave his own castle to Ieyasu to show his loyalty to Ieyasu. Although Kazutoyo did not work well in the Sekigahara war, he got a huge land in Tosa with 240 thousand koku stipend (1-koku equals 5.12 bushels). Along with the reconstruction of the castle, nearby souvenior shops and restaurants were also renovated, and they look just like dozo (storehouses with thick plaster walls) and buke-yashiki (samurai residences).

Tokaido route

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