The Doyles of Dublin are having a glad you're not invited.
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Character Actor
Enda Doyle Malcolm McDowell
Johnny Doyle Max Beasley
Tom Ivers Greg Ellis
Catherine Doyle Susan Lynch
Moya Doyle Olivia Tracy
Medbh Doyle Heather Jurgenson
Helen Catherine Farrell
Chaplain Morton Aubrey Morris
Jim Robert Easton
Prof. Thompson Sean Lawlor
Evie Shiva Rose McDermott
Neighbor Woman Lou Mulford
Doctor Arie Verveen
Irish Singer Deidra Sarego
Eamonn Timothy V. Murphy
Young Medbh Zola Glassman
Nurse Kathryn Joosten
Young Johnny Jackson Roach
Young Catherine Georgiana Sîrbu
Bar Patron Shahar Sorek

Directed by Tamar Simon Hoffs
Adapted from the Joseph O'Connor Play


1/28/04 Hindustan Times Bangkok with Tamar Simon Hoffs


Malcolm Part 1 posted on Youtube 2/8/08
But recorded in 2002

(Behind the scenes) And then you could just go hey I'm designing them...yeah right!

Well...the first half of the question I heard about it was because Tammy and Josh came to a screening of Gangster No. 1, a film that I did last year. They came around and actually I was at the screening to answer questions to the audience afterwards, so they came around afterwards and introduced themselves. They were friends of a mutual friend called FX Bean a critic, a very nice guy. FX introduced us and Tammy told me she had this script and of course one is a little wary because I've all heard that one before. I said oh yes we all have a script. Anyway I read the script and it's an absolute delight. Joseph O'Conner wrote the play, it's from a plat. I thought it that was just a wonderful script, great script of heart, it's very funny. I was immediately drawn to it.

(Filming) Come on where's the Doyle family chorus? Come on you're not going to sing with me? As I wheel my wheelbarrow through streets broad and narrow, I can't hear a ting from behind me. (Note: this is the same song sung by the tramp in ACO.

It's so beautifully written, it's so poetic, a wonderful character. Enda is really a wonderful person. It's really nice for a change to play someone that has great human spirit. Because usually I play someone with no human spirit at all, they are from the dark side and that's fun too, I'm not complaining, but...

(Filming) I'll be right there Professor Thompson...

I don't know, it's just such a wonderful role, he is not just an all good person either, he's very flawed human being. It's what makes it an interesting part, that's what makes an interesting person. Hopefully that's what'll be interesting to watch on the screen. He's not just a one dimensional character. He has a lot of shady areas and a lot of things that are alluded to but you don't really see, you are just given a little taste.

(Filming a long kiss) Jesus, I've got to breathe some time!

(On the script) Honestly this script is so good and I've read a lot of scripts through the years. It's one of the most charming without being sentimental and I think that's the key. Because sentiment is OK, sentimentality is not. I abhor it, I run away from it. It's that...I don't know, I could give you examples but I won't, I don't want to embarrass people. You must resist that, play the truth of the situation and the words speak for themselves. You don't have to tug the heartstrings really, because if it's good, it's there.

Well, I'm a quarter Irish of course, I'm not totally 100% English and I think that helps. Also I'm an ex-patriot Englishman, so I'm really more Irish.

(Filming) Oh, here are the munchkins. Who's going to be first for the special award.? Let your young sister here, you go first.

(On how he is playing his character) I don't know, that's honestly the answer, I think a lot of it is me, of course it's Enda. It's the creation of Joseph O'Conner. He's a beautiful person, a great poet. Of course a great slice of it is me, but it isn't me because it's him - he's unique. I'm using everything I can of myself  in the film because acting is like that. It doesn't matter if it's film or stage - you use as much of yourself as you can then tweak it a bit here and there.

(Behind the scenes) Pretty good you guys, not bad, not bad. Well, great, it's an experience. Don't you want to be an actor? It's a piece of old robe, you get paid loads of money for doing nothing.

(On the cast) It's a wonderful cast, the kids are all great. Max is a wonderful actor that I don't think has really ever been given a part to show off his great talent. He's really talented. Of course we know Susan, Heather are wonderful, Mark, Linda Olivia and Greg Ellis too, they are all great, even the kids too. There's nobody you can say is a weak spot. We have Aubrey Morris, my friend from A Clockwork Orange comes in and plays the drunken chaplain. So when he's around it's a buzz on the set and everybody loves it. There are no actors like him around, so few. It's a privilege to work with these these old timers and carry the traditions, the great traditions. It's great, it's wonderful.

What am I doing here? Am I sitting down? I'll be right there Prof Thompson...

(On the director) She's a doll. It's hard even to say, it's not like work. We come to this place, we have a bit of fun. Oh yeah, I suppose she's a director, but she's sort of a friend. It's a very family kind of thing, it's like a big family. I know it's cliche, but it's really sort of like that. Tammy is adorable and she knows her stuff. Everybody connected with it, it's like the little train that would. It's very small, we're getting not paid a lot of money and all that kind of stuff. It's outside the system, it's sort of come in under the radar, but there's nothing wrong with that. I think we are all doing it for the right reasons, because we believe in it.




The film will be opening in Denver and Chicago Friday, Sep. 19th
Malcolm did some radio interviews on Sep 11th if you want to listen to them check the links. 

Boston WAAF Greg & Kevin
Columbus WLVQ Wags & Elliott Part 1
Columbus WLVQ Wags & Elliott Part 2
Denver KRFX Lewis & Michael
Memphis WEGR B.D & Rick 


How big of a Malcolm McDowell fan are you? If you answered "The biggest," get ready to prove it! Beginning Monday, March 17, submit your brief video (5 minutes maximum) explaining why you like Malcolm McDowell to the following YouTube group. Are you his biggest fan? Tell us why! Be as creative as you like. The winner will receive a private 10-minute phone conversation with the award-winning actor, an autographed poster from the film Red Roses and Petrol, and an autographed official shooting script of the film.


The opening date has moved from March to April 2008 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston , London and Dublin.


Award-Winning Comedy-Drama Starring Malcolm McDowell is World Wide's New Entry in Specialty Film Market; U.S. and International Launch Planned

Los Angeles - Continuing its expansion of international distribution operations, World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation has acquired worldwide distribution for Red Roses and Petrol, a prize-winning feature film starring Golden Globe nominee Malcolm McDowell, it was announced today by Paul D. Hancock, president and chief executive officer of the thirty-year old Southern California-based entertainment company.
    Based on a successful Irish play by acclaimed writer Joseph O'Conner, and directed by Tamar Simon Hoffs, the darkly comedic drama offers a tour-de-force showcase for McDowell as Enda Doyle, a university librarian, poet, and rascal who is the flawed patriarch of a dysfunctional family struggling to come to terms with his death and with one another. Unfolding amidst a haze of cigarette smoke and uneaten food, as his family gathers in Dublin for his wake, Red Roses and Petrol explores the emotional dynamics of familial relationships with sharp humor and surprising turns. The film's soundtrack features music from the popular Irish American band Flogging Molly and Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles.
    "As our next theatrical release, we expect Red Roses and Petrol to continue to establish World Wide as a significant presence in the specialty film marketplace, and we will soon be announcing further acquisitions as well," Hancock said.
    Red Roses and Petrol will be opening this fall in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, London and Dublin. The film recently had a research screening at the Century Theatres in Orange County, CA, receiving strong positive feedback from its first general public audience.
    "We believe the film has crossover appeal akin to My Big, Fat Greek Wedding because of its universal theme of the unresolved conflicts between parents and their adult children," Hancock noted, "and we will be waging an intensive publicity and promotional campaign to initially target specific interest groups and build advance awareness through both viral internet techniques and more traditional methods."
    Red Roses and Petrol has garnered awards from the Avignon Film Festival, the Boston Irish Film Festival, the Newport Beach Film Festival, and the Toronto International Film Festival.



Exclusive - 2/28/03 Cast Behind the Scenes on couch
Cast behind the scenes by the trailers
Malcolm and Tamar discussing a shot

Enda Reading
Enda Driving

Enda in Kitchen

Enda in jacket and tie

Enda on video

Enda and Helen talking

Enda and Johnny sitting


"She is a martinet with a chip on her shoulder. She runs a college in which Malcolm McDowell is a professor. He is also her ex-lover. The chip on the Dean's shoulder is aggravated by his being enamored of the young ladies in the college." - Olivia Tracy 7/08

"Red roses is very good. Malcolm is brilliant as is Max Beasley as his son. Everyone seems to really love it. It was a very low budget film, but it is amazing what happens when you have good actors and a good script. You could really believe Max as Malcolm's son, they look similar, it was very good casting. I must say he looks like Malcolm as a young man in a way. Malcolm thinks he is the most gifted young actor he has worked with and he is very relaxed. If you haven't seen it yet, I think you'll enjoy it. It is a different role for Malcolm as he plays a nice guy. Malcolm has a few scenes in flashback. His death and scenes with Beasley." - Big K

"In April 2003 Malcolm finished a small film adapted from a Joseph O'Connor novel/play called Red Roses and Petrol. Tamara Hoffs (mother of Susanna Hoffs lead singer of The Bangles) directed it. Catherine Farrell is in it (she is Colin Farrell's little sister). It has an incredible cast and Malcolm is in love with it."  - Big K


In her home in Dublin, Moya is preparing for the funeral mass of her husband, Enda. From England and America her children are returning for the somber occasion. But as the ghosts of the Doyle's past begin to materialize, the consequences are both profoundly disturbing and memorably comic...

Together Before

1971 - Malcolm and Aubrey Morris were both in A Clockwork Orange.

This page © 2003-08 Alex D. Thrawn for

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