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Anglican Parish of Northern Mallee

Post Office Box 692, Mildura 3502, Victoria, Australia
St Mark's    Windows

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All the photographs were taken by Elizabeth Janson.
Some windows are high in the walls and so the image is slightly distorted.

The indows were designed by Canon Cracknall, and executed by Mr D Taylor Kellock of Ballarat.
The theme is the Life of Christ, and begins in the Baptistry with the Nativity.

One point of view -
The church is not a mere building, but a theological statement that brings alive the Gospel message of salvation. In a Church that is properly designed and completed, even the building itself becomes a living, breathing testimony to the great works of God. The Church becomes Holy Space.

The chancel is the front part of the church from which the service is conducted, as distinct from the nave, where the congregation sits. It includes the Sanctuary and the Transept.

The East End features a Round window, with Archangels depicted in the side wall. Furnishings include the Communion Table, Bishop's Chair, and seating for people involved in the Service. The front, or open side of the area is defined by the Communion railing, also called the chancel railing, with provisions for kneeling.
North wall, Sanctuary Eastern Rose Window South wall, Sanctuary
North wall
East End
South wall
Eastern Rose Window
Eastern Rose Window The Eastern Rose Window, donated by Dr Barker, features a design symbolising the Sword and Flame of the Spirit.
Also in the photo is our Perpetual Flame, remembering those killed in wars
North Side The windows of the Sanctury consist of two facing pairs South Side
Closest to the East End the Archangels have white robes. The second pairs include archangels holding a golden orb and a golden crown

The two shields are on the northern wall, below the Archangels. The top shield appears to represent the Red Cliffs district, and below it a Shield to St Mark.

The two Shields - What is their story?
The first Sheild appears to represent Red Cliffs Parish or district. The Quarters, from top left, clockwise are The Murray Riber, the Diggers who were our main settlers, grape growing and dry-land farming. The second Shield is believed to be the Diocese of St Arnaud.

'The Resurrection' and 'The Ascention'.
The Transept
The Sanctuary or chancel is the front part of the church from which the service is conducted, as distinct from the nave, where the congregation sits. The chancel is an elevated platform, three steps up from the nave.
The area between the Chancel and the Nave is the Transept. This space near the chancel is to accommodate clergy, the choir, and the Organist. The space between the chancel and the nave extends beyond the side walls, giving the church a cruciform floorplan — meaning that it is cross-shaped when viewed from the air. St Marks achieves this internal plan by having three aisles, a central one plus north and south aisles divided from the Nave by a row of pillars supporting the roof, as shown in this small photo, looking towards the north wall and the Sanctuary.
The Northern Transept

'The Ascention' - donor anonymous.
'The Resurrection' was given in memory of William (Tiny) Ditton died 18 May 1983 aged 91, and of his wife May Marea Victoria Ditton died 14 June 1990 aged 91. Tiny was 6ft 1in tall, enlisted in Sept 1914 and continued for 2015 days, including the Army of Occupation in Germany. He took up Block 396, Red Cliffs. His activities in public life include playing the saxophone for an orchestra.
The Southern Transept
The Southern Transcept has an upper group of three, and two small windows to the left and right of the upper group recall the beginnings of church music and of English sacred poetry.
St Cecilia, Virgin and martyr, patroness of church music, died at Rome, so often glorified in the fine arts and in poetry, is one of the most venerated martyrs of Christian antiquity.

The plaque on the left reads "St Cecilia - gift of Edna Frances Arnold" and on the right "St Caedmon - gift of Mrs G Holland"

St Cecilia St Caedmon Bede tells us that Caedmon was at first attached as a labourer to the double monastery of Whitby, founded in 657 by St. Hilda, a friend of St. Aidan.
St Caedmon, author of Biblical Poems in Anglo-Saxon, date of birth unknown; died between 670 and 680. One morning Caedmon recited his story and his verses to Hilda and the learned men of the monastery, and all agreed that he had received a Divine gift. The poems of the school of Caedmon mark a worthy beginning of the long and noble line of English sacred poetry.

The Central Transept
The intersection between the Chancel and the Nave is the traditional place for a Rood Screen. In St Mark's we have a carved wooden Rood suspended from the ceiling, depicting Our Lord on the Cross, supported by his Mother, and by St John.

The Lectern is a stately eagle, the gift of the Tickle family - The memorial reads "In memory of Lieut Francis Tickle, obit 17 June 1944. Presented by his wife Dora 25 Dec 1954, and also of their son Noel Francis Tickle obit 23 Sept 1931 aged 4 years 5 months." More details here

North Side Nave South Side
The Transfiguration
'The Transfiguration'
'The Transfiguration', in memory of Ern Powlesland, died 3 May 1980 aged 78

'Carrying the Cross', gift of Mr and Mrs EJ Dean, who had a chemist shop.
Carrying the Cross
'Carrying the Cross'
Blessing the Children
'Blessing Children'
'Blessing Children' in memory of Phillip Hauser obit 7 June 1959 and Ellen Hauser obit 21 March 1962

'Behold the Man' - anonymous
Behold the Man
'Behold the Man'
With the Doctors
'With the Doctors'
'With the Doctors' in memory of Geoffrey Powlesland obit 4 Nov 1968 aged 10 years, the gift of his parents.

'Looking at Peter', gift of Mr and Mrs Ern Powlesland
Looking at Peter
'Looking at Peter',
The Presentation
'The Presentation'
'The Presentation', in memory of Alma Sophy Cramp, the gift of her husband and children.

'The Agony in the Garden', gift of Miss Nancy Smith.
The Agony in the Garden
'The Agony in the Garden'
The Flight into Egypt
'The Flight into Egypt'
'The Flight into Egypt', the gift of Mr and Mrs THW Armstrong
Tommy Armstrong, born in Durham UK in 1894, served in WWI for 1535 days, and enlisted again in WWII, serving in the Middle East. He married Eva Thatcher of Kings Billabong and their daughter Margot married in 1960. Tommy worked his Block 137 till 1976, deciding to retire when aged 82!
'Institution of the Blessed Sacrament', the gift of Mr and Mrs Don Arnold.
Institution of the Blessed Sacrament
'Institution of the Blessed Sacrament'
The Annunciation
'The Annunciation'
'The Annunciation', in memory of Henry (Harry) Cramp
Harry Cramp, Rector's warden, died 25 June 1982 aged 81

'Palm Sunday', gift of Mrs W Langford in memory of her husband Robert
Robert Fildus Langford, obit 16 Dec 1950, served 1490 days in Gallipoli and France, was gassed in 1917, wounded by shrapnel, was six feet tall, and received Block 111. He was active as a Vestry member.

Palm Sunday
'Palm Sunday'
The Narthex or West End
The Nativity
'The Nativity'
'The Nativity' in the West end

The gift of gift of Mrs Isabel Jessie Sharp in memory of her husband Frank obit 17 July 1959, aged 62. He served in WWI for 42 months, was 5 ft 5 ins tall, and enjoyed Lawn Bowling. He was granted Block 336 in 1922.
The South Porch
Good Shepherd
'Good Shepherd'
'Good Shepherd', gift of Mrs Isabel Jessie Sharp in memory of her husband Frank obit 17 July 1959, aged 62. Mrs Sharp, nee Hood, was the widow of FW Hoyle. She purchased Block 342 in 1946.
'St Mark', gift of Mr and Mrs DB Stuart
St Mark
'St Mark'
The North Porch
Rev Fettell
Revd Fettell.
Our Builder Clergy
Rev Fettell built the first timber church, now in use as the eastern half of our Meeting Rooms
Canon Cracknall built the present concrete church.
Canon Cracknall
Canon Cracknall
We now have over 1900 years of artists providing an image of St Mark. As this sample of images suggests, opinions vary...

38kb jpg icon 6kb jpg photograph of a pewter statue of Saint Mark; artist unknown, photographer unknown 32kb jpg of Mark the Evangelist, from a 10th century Codex of the Monastery of Philotheou 25kb jpg Byzantine icon of Saint Mark, author unknown Saint Mark; stained glass window; artist unknown; from Immaculate Conception Church, Earlington, KY; thanks Father Martin 25kb jpg detail from a photograph of the statue 'Saint Mark' by Donatello, 1411, marble, Orsanmichele, Florence

Click the thumbnail for the full size image
Links to web sites about St Mark
Apostle Mark a page of the OrthodoxWiki, a free-content encyclopedia and information center for Orthodox Christianity that anyone can edit.
St Mark a page from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Mark was a cousin of Barnabas and the son of Mary, at whose house the Apostles stayed on their frequent visits to Jerusalem. He was a Levite and perhaps a minor minister in the synagogue. Mark accompanied Paul and Barnabas to Antioch and a Christian tradition says that he was the first bishop of Alexandria. He is the author of the second Gospel which is based on the teaching of Peter.
St. Mark Converted to Christianity by Saint Peter, Saint Mark accompanied him to Rome, acting as the Apostle's secretary. The Roman people entreated Saint Mark to put in writing Saint Peter's discourses on the life of Christ, which he did under the eye and sanction of Saint Peter, so that some Fathers called the Gospel of Mark "Peter's Gospel." He was sent to Egypt to found the Church of Alexandria, known today as the Coptic Orthodox Church. There he set up the first Christian school, the mother of many doctors and bishops. His disciples were known for their piety and asceticism, so that Saint Jerome speaks of Saint Mark as the father of the anchorites, who later filled the Egyptian deserts. After governing his see for many years, he was seized by the pagans and tortured to death. Saint of: insect bites, impenitence.
St. Mark, the Evangelist, wrote the second Gospel in Rome around the year 60 A.D. He wrote it in Greek for the Gentile converts to Christianity. His Jewish name was John. His mother, Mary, lived in Jerusalem and her home was used for a meeting place for the early Christians. Mark was a cousin of Barnabas. Mark accompanied Paul and Barnabas on a trip from Antioch to Jerusalem. Later, on a missionary journey with Paul and Barnabas, Mark left before the journey was completed and returned to Jerusalem. Mark met and worked with Sts. Peter and Paul in Rome, and became an interpreter and secretary for St. Peter. According to tradition, Mark established the Church in Alexandria, Egypt, where he was martyred. A lion symbolizes him because his gospel begins with the voice of John the Baptist, "Crying in the wilderness."
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