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Photos taken mainly in September 2001 on my birthday, plus some from other points last year.
Alcohol is a man's best friend. Did you call me an alcoholic?
Me having a swift half on my birthday
Not all the drinks are mine and Dave's.  Most, but not all. Oh look, I'm having a drink
I don't normally wear my hat that way round when I'm sober.
Me and Dave drinking some alcohol.
Need I say more? Ah, now this is completely different.  This is me and Andrew drinking.
My hair isn't usually that blonde, I had an orange mohican growing out at the time.
This is Tim.
Me and Helen
Look, I can look smart!
Those were the days.  Youthful exuberance.  i was a rash young 18-year-old,  ah,  It was only a couple of years ago.
This is a picture of me at the Sixth Form leaving party with the lovely Helen McCormick
And one from the archives.  This photo was on my main page when I first set this sight up, and features Mel and Myself.
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