In the western culture it is: "the bread that falls of the sky", this meaning is taken of a biblical passage, and it has a similar connotation in many other cultures like the oriental. Could it be said that MANÁ the positive energy that they have certain men and certain things, is it is like a good star that always allows to give in the target... and for that not to say!!? the energy that we have all its fans... 

The history of MANÁ: 

This Mexican group was born in the streets of Guadalajara in the decade of the 70, when 4 friends joined to hear their favorite disks and to play to be a band. These friends were: Fernando, Abraham, Juan and their brother Ulises who called themselves in a principle "The Green Hat Spies", until in 1976 they shortened their name to "Green Hat." 
With the name of "Green Hat" they began to be presented in parties, graduations, birthday, bars, holes and small places of the city; and they played songs of Led Zeppelin, Peter Frampton, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. 
Among final of the 70 or principles of the 80, he/she was integrated to the group Gustavo Orozco (guitarist), and then they knew Ricardo Ochoa who with experience in groups like Peace & love, Nahuatl and Kenny & the Electrics, decides to recommend them with Discs Ariola in the Mexico City. 
Later on, after entering to the music's difficult world and of the show and that rushes to the market to impose their style, the band decided to change its name for the translation of the same one in Spanish: "Sombrero Verde". And the songs that had in English also changed them to their translation in Spanish, without losing the rhythm that characterized to the band.
In that time the group crossed one period difficult of changes, and being one of the few bands of Mexican rock that was taken into account by the record signatures in that moment, even had obstacles in the way. 
In 1981, the band threw its first album, which was recorded in the studies Ary of Mexico City, for a company record multinational, and this had for title the name of the group: "Sombrero Verde". Of this disc that included 10 topics, (among those that figure: "Long Time", "Profesor", "Levántate" and "Vampiro"), they were able to sell some 29,000 copies, without being successful some, but in spite of that they got the attention of managers, and this way in 1982, they changed record company, this time with "Discs Melody". In 1983, they throw their second album, titled "A ritmo de Rock" ("Laura", "Hechos nada más", "Me voy al mar", "El espejo" and "No me mires así", some of the topics that it included this disk were), of which they were able to sell some 18,000 copies and the same as the previous production, didn't arrive to be recognized. 
The lack of the prospective success caused deception in the band, and the group began to suffer some changes. The first one that left the group was Abraham and, after the record company gave them retirement letter because it was not future for the band, Gustavo Orozco followed it. For that then, Fernando Olvera in the vowels, Juan Diego Calleros in the first floor and their brother Ulises Calleros in the guitar, was the only ones that formed the group Sombrero Verde. 
Then in 1985, after the changes that happened in the band, by means of an audition enters to the grouping "Sombrero Verde", this new one integral, of Cuban-Colombian roots, Alejandro González (Alex) who would become in the drums of the band. 
With those changes that had the band, Fernando Olvera (Fher), Alejandro González (Alex) and the siblings Juan and Ulises Calleros decides to begin again, and in 1986, they changed its name of "Sombrero Verde" for "MANÁ" and they begin to make a Latin American Rock, with influences of sauce, calypso, pop, reggae and African-American-Latin rhythms. 
In 1987, a new producer signed them. And they recorded this way their first disc as Maná, which was simply titled "Maná" (Among the topics of this disk they are: "Robot", "Mentirosa", "Mueve tus caderas", "En la playa" and "Queremos paz"), and they were able to sell more than 48,000 copies. With this production they begin in a spectacular way, because they won a disk of gold, and in those times, the rock in Spanish was arising in a radiant way, however they were not successful, and the disk didn't turn out to be as them they waited. In spite of that the group was not discouraged completely and they continued playing in bars and small alternative holes, until they got the attention of the company "Warner Music México" which decided to sign them. 
In 1989, the band recorded what would be its first disc under the company "Warner Music México" and the second as "Maná", this titled disk "Falta amor", was not successful immediate. Went until after 2 years, when the simple one "Rayando el sol", became one of the most important successes in the decade for this musical gender, and with songs like "Buscándola", "Perdido en un barco" and "Estoy agotado" Maná road opened up in the national radio, being able to make of the disk a great success, of which you/they sold more than 750,000 copies. 
Between 1990 and 1991, they carried out concerts in more than 70 cities of Mexico, with more than 130 presentations. 
The album "Falta amor" received ten disks of gold, five of platinum, two of double platinum and one of triple platinum, and the Magazine Billboard gives a recognition to Maná for better group of pop Rock and to its disc "Falta amor" for better album. 
In 1992, did they record in Los Angeles-California, their second production with Warner Music, or what is the same thing, their third album like Maná, which was titled "Dónde jugarán los niños? " (it included topics like: "Oye mi amor", "Vivir sin aire", "Te lloré un río" and "Me vale"), the disc had a lot of acceptance, overalls on the part of the Latin public, public of the one which Maná the affection has been won during every year. 
In that same year, Ulises Calleros leaves the group to become the manager of Maná and they enter two new members officially: the guitarist Cesar López (Vampire) and Iván González. 
Also during that same year, the disk reached sales of more than 1 million and half copies only in Mexico (certificate as much for AMPROFON as for SACM), transforming it into the album more sold in the history of the rock of that country, and achieving a record when having 8 successes in the Mexican radio, which occupied the first places of popularity. For 1997, the album had exceeded the 3 million and half sold copies worldwide, arriving this year (1999) to surpass the 5 millions. 
The album was published for Latin America, United States and Canada, as well as Spain, country in the one stops which becomes difficult the acceptance of a Latin artist, and in spite of that, in 1993, the success "Vivir sin aire", it occupied the first places of popularity, the same as it occupied it in Argentina, where a Latin artist that is not native of that country, difficulty obtains the success. And that feat that achieved Maná, when intruding virtuously in those two countries (Spain and Argentina), alone it had achieved it the Mexican group "Los Panchos", 26 years behind. 
In 1993, Maná began to have a bigger promotion. They began tours of concerts that were very successful, through Spanish America (I Center and south), Spain and Spanish-speaking communities in United States, reconfirming in that way the success of Maná and placing them as musical idols in such South American countries as Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Argentina. 
July of 1993, 17 appeared in the section of the Boxcore of Billboard, two of the concerts of MANÁ that took place in the Mexico City in the Palacio de los deportes, placing to MANÁ like seconds in the 10 concerts of the best month sold in the entire world!. 
The album "Dónde jugarán los niños?" it was placed by itself among the best 50 of the Latin Billboard for more than 97 weeks, in that same year (1993), the video "Vivir sin aire" it won a prize of MTV like better video of the year. And for if that was little they obtained more prizes, I eat those of Billboard for example for the best album and group of pop rock. 
At the end of the year, in the tour "Dónde jugarán los niños?", Cesar López (Vampire) and Iván González decided to abandon the band, maybe for labor disagreements. In that moment the future of Maná seemed uncertain, however, paying attention to the credits of the albums that had Maná, we find that Fher and Alex were who had composed all the songs. Alex and Fher together with Juan made the musical arrangements, and they also took charge therefore of the production of the albums, there was not anything to fear. 

Continuous Maná with their tour "Dónde jugarán los niños" thanks to that, Gustavo Orozco and Juan Carlos Toribio, participated as invited musicians. With the best in this tour Maná publish a titled double disk of 18 songs "Maná en vivo", which won the prize Billboard to the best Live Album of Pop Rock. In this disc, Maná demonstrated the capacity to play live and this way, the trio (Fher, Alex and Juan) that conformed to the band for that moment, it won a very desert enacts of international stars. 
After this Maná rushed kind of a convocation to look for a new member, and this way, Sergio Vallín, student of classic guitar and native of Aguascalientes - México, was able to enter to be part of the group, fitting perfectly with all the other members to complete the original alignment of four members. 
In 1995, after a long period of rehearsals and arrangements, they threw the album "Cuándo los ángeles lloran", with which you/they win discs of gold and platinum in almost all the countries of Hispanic speech and in United States. 
The musical capacity of Maná was recognized and in January of 1995 the band recorded a titled song "Celoso" (Original of Los Panchos), for the sound band of the movie "My Family". And in that same year Maná had the honor of being the only Latin band selected to record a song for the tribute album to Led Zeppelin, "Encomium", album for which Maná recorded a version in Spanish of "Fool in the Rain." 
With those two new recordings in hand ("Celoso" and "Fool in the Rain"), the band began a new tour for 13 countries in which you/they were sold more than 400,000 tickets. 
In that same year, Maná won the prize once again from Billboard to the best album in pop rock of the year. 
The noblest thing that has the group, is the conscious interest in the problems regarding the ecosystems of the planet, and that interest made that, in September of 1995, the band founded a called organization "Selva Negra" with the purpose of making conscience of the ecological problems of the planet, to participate in programs of reforestation of forest areas and to carry out educational works and environmental communications. Likewise this organization takes charge of financing activities for the preservation of the flora and the fauna. 
The beginning of 1996 was of great surprise and happiness, because the band was nominated for the biggest prize of all, a Grammy to the best Realization of Latin Pop music for its production "Cuándo los ángeles lloran". The nomination to the Grammy allowed to the band to open new markets to the rock in Spanish. 
During the second half of 1996, the band continued of tour for the Mexican territory. And the Mexican town gave to its internationally well-known idols an incredible warm welcome filling squares of bulls, auditories and stadiums. 
That same year, the band traveled to Miami, to receive, for the third serial year, the prize of the magazine Billboard to the best Latin album of Pop Rock. This last prize helped to Maná to fix a record to receive a total of 6 prizes of Billboard in a 3 year-old period. 
Then, Maná continued with a long tour for the United States, in which there were 15 concerts that had out entrances and they were sold but of 310.000 tickets. This tour became the most important in its career, because the main magazines of United States covered to the band and one of those magazines (the magazine "Pollstar") it presented in front page a history on the band. 
In September of 1996 they had already been sold, in 17 countries, but of 1.500.000 copies of the album "Cuándo los ángeles lloran".
In that same year Maná was the first Mexican band in being invited to the popular program of you Govern and Kathy Lee, where the band was presented as the biggest band in Latin rock of the world. 
When finishing the tour "Cuándo los ángeles lloran", the band published a calendar that made stand out some of the ecological problems toward those that Selva Negra looks for to get the attention. The calendar includes pictures of the band and some suggestive panoramic views. 
In 1997, the band met in front in a house of the ocean in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and it transformed the house into its personal study of recording to begin to record its album "Sueños líquidos". Then, the band traveled to Los Angeles to give the last touches to the recording in the Ocean Way Studios. 
This new production of Maná, October of 1997, 1 were thrown appearing simultaneously in 26 countries. From a principle the album began to have vigor and in 10 days from its launching, the disk sold more than 300,000 copies. In those same 10 days, he/she is certified platinum in Mexico, and in the 2 following months, he/she was certified gold and platinum in Argentina, Spain, Chile and Venezuela. 
In the United States, the disk debuted in the number 67 of the best 200 of Billboard, and then in the first place of the list of the best 50 of Hot Latin of the Billboard. 
In that same year, the band was nominated by fifth serial time by the magazine Billboard for the best Album in Pop-rock of the Year. The band was also nominated for the prize "Lo nuestro" to the Latin Music to be the best Group in the Year and for the best Musical Video ("Hechicera" directed by Kiko Guerrero). 
At the end of January of 1998, the band begins its world tour "Sueños líquidos". In the course of 1998, the band was hired by the Creative Artist Agency (CAA) for the territories of United States, Canada and Japan. And the first tour under this contract began August 21, in Los Angeles, CA. This tour was the most extensive that any Latin artist has made in the United States. 
During the últimas10 weeks of the year, Maná finished with its commitments in South America and then in November, opened the "Hard Rock Live" in Guadalajara, Mexico offering three concerts whose funds were dedicated to Selva Negra for the preservation of species in extinction danger (marine turtle) in the coast of the Mexican Pacific. 
Also in 1998, the teacher Raúl Di Blasio it took out his titled disk "Desde Mexico el piano de America", in which the topic is included "Vivir sin aire" of the inspiration of Fher, this is kind of a tribute to Maná, since the teacher Di Blasio it selected the best topics, of the best Mexican artists. 
In December of 1998, Maná was nominated by second serial time for the Prizes Grammy for the category better Latin Album of Rock/Alternativo for " Sueños líquidos ".
Now in the '99, Maná began well, winning, in February, the Grammy to the "Best Latin Group" ("better Realization of Latin Rock/Alternativo"), the one which almost coincides with Alex's Birthday, then it won the prize "Lo nuestro" as "Group of the Year", this prize received it Fher who thanked to God and dedicated it to its sister Lucy that unfortunately died this year of 1999 (we feel It a lot of Fher). 
Meanwhile in those first months of the '99, Maná prepared a project "unplugged" only with MTV that soon would become in a CD, Video-VHS and the first DVD made of a Latin band of rock. This new production of Maná, "Maná Unplugged", it was recorded March 24 in Miami, Florida and transmitted on Monday June 21. "Maná unplugged" it includes topics of Juan Gabriel ("Se me olvidó otra vez"), Rubén Blades ("Desapariciones") and José Alfredo Jiménez ("Te solté la rienda"). 
Also in the course of the '99, Maná participated in the recording of the teacher's last album Carlos Santana (from December of 1998, Fher had already been invited it is necessary to participate in such a recording), Santana liked the work that carried out Maná, perhaps for that reason in the last days of the month of July began a tour for the United States together with the group Ozomatli (that participates as group opener). on the other hand Maná also participated in the disk "Marinero en tierra", I pay Pablo Neruda, in which Fher interprets a titled poem "El viento en la isla" 
Some months ago it left for sale, in CD, the album "Maná" The first disc that the band rushed as Maná. 
Today, Maná has achieved more than any other rock band in Spanish and it is, without a doubt some: 




Warner Music
Warner Music
Group Company

























Todo sobre
la música















MANÁ Unplugged
"El sitio oficial
de Maná"


























The Recording




Music Television











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