The Spirit with our spirit

The Secret of God’s Organic Salvation

The Generating Spirit in our spirit
quickened by Christ, regenerates us, giving us
authority to be the children of God, begotten of God.

The Nourishing Spirit in our spirit
cherished by Christ, feeds us with the spiritual milk
of the word that we may grow unto salvation.

The Sanctifying Spirit from our spirit
captivated by Christ, sanctifies us with
the nature of God, making us holy unto God.

The Renewing Spirit in our spirit
indwelt by Christ, renews us that we may put on
the new man through the breaking of the cross.

The Transforming Spirit in our spirit
filled by Christ, transforms us into the glorious
image of Christ for his expression.

The Building Spirit in our spirit
enriched with Christ, conforms us to
the image of Christ, the firstborn son of God,
the model of God’s sons.

The Sealing Spirit in our spirit
exulting with Christ, saturates us with and
brings us into the glory of God for our glorification.

The Secret of God's Intensified Salvation

The Intensified Spirit in our spirit,
drawn by the Lamb, motivates us to overcome
the degradation of the church for the Body of Christ
to consummate the New Jerusalem.

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