When Will the World End?

Whenever a natural calamity such as an earthquake, firestorm, flood, etc. occurs, people wonder when the world will end. It is a serious question that cannot be ignored. Some ask this question because they are afraid to die. Others are afraid of the day of judgment, while still others are hoping that God will quickly bring and end to this ugly mess that we are in and bring in His kingdom of love and righteousness so that man may live in peace and joy.

God, the only authority qualified to answer this question, has spoken through His faithful prophets, and His speaking has been written down and compiled into one book, the Bible. Here we will answer this question according to the Bible and see how the present world will end.

The Earth is Being Used Up

The Universe was created at least a billion years ago. Ever since God created man six thousand years ago, man has been using the earth's resources. In the past century, man's consumption of these resources has increased dramatically, to the point that they are rapidly dwindling. If usage continues at this present rate, our affordable oil reserves probably will last no more than 50 years. If we don't find another source of energy , cars will stop running and electrical black-outs will be frequent . The gaping holes in the ozone layer mat dramatically increase the incidence of skin cancer. Carbon dioxide is increasing; the globe may become warmer, and weather patterns may change, with more droughts and flooding damaging farmlands and cities. Forest are diminishing; there will be less habitat for wildlife and less vegetation to create oxygen. Aquifer levels are decreasing; there will be shortage of water where it is most needed. Chemical and nuclear wastes are seeping into our fresh water supply and into the sea; this could result in more cancer and illness related to polluted drinking water and seafood. The air is being polluted every second; respiratory problems are bound to increase. The world population is exploding exponentially. The supply of food and other essentials needed for survival will soon be exceeded by the demand. Even without a major nuclear confrontation, the earth, in 30 to 50 years, will not be the same as the planet we inhabit today. The Bible tells us that one day the earth's usefulness will be over, and it will be rolled up like an old garment to be burned.

Three Major Prophecies Signaling the End

The Bible does not say exactly when the world will end, but it gives us three main signs to watch for: 1) the recovery of the nation of Israel, 2) the return of Jerusalem to Israel, and 3) the signing of the treaty between the antichrist and Israel. When we see these signs, we will know that the end is near.

The Bible prophesied that the nation of Israel would be formed again. The nation of Israel lost its kingdom about 2,600 years ago, but the Bible prophesied that Israel, the fig tree, would bud again. Nobody suspected that it would be possible. Hitler tried to destroy the whole race through genocide, and that would have prevented it from happening. Hitler died, but the people whom he had tried to destroy became the nation of Israel in 1948.

The Bible also prophesied that Jerusalem would be trampled under the feet of the nations (people other than Israel) until the world was about to end. That trampling ended in 1967 when Jerusalem was returned to Israel.

The last sign is the signing of the treaty between the antichrist and the nation of Israel. We don't know who will be the antichrist, but we know that he will be the ruler over ten nations situated in Europe where the ancient Roman Empire was, and that he will make deal with Israel. The content of the deal is not clearly stated in the Bible, but many Bible students agree that it should contain terms concerning peace and the rebuilding of the temple. Once the treaty is signed, there will be seven years left until the end of the world.

The Way the World Will End

The Bible also tells us how the world will end. Here are the highlights. The final seven years before the end of the world are divided into two sections of three and a half years each. The first three and a half years will be peaceful. At the end of that period, God will have finished His work of producing a corporate man full of Him as life. These people are overcomers (mandaraig). Then He will take them up to heaven. There they will defeat Satan, the devil, and cast him down to the earth. Then an unclean spirit will enter into the antichrist and Satan will give him his power. This will begin the last three and a half years of the world. The Bible calls this period the Great Tribulation. The earth at that time will not be a place where anyone would like to live. Antichrist will do much damage to humanity, and at the same time, there will be many natural and supernatural disasters. At the end of the final three and a half years, Christ and His overcomers (mandaraig) will come down from heaven to crush antichrist and his army at Armageddon. Then the kingdom of God will be brought down to earth, and Satan will be locked up for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released for a little while. He will do more damage, but then he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. He and all his collaborators will be burned there for ever and ever. But the people who are filled with God will live in God and with God for eternity on the renewed earth. There will be joy, peace, and righteousness. There will be no tears, shortage, sickness, theft, unrighteousness, or death.

If you do not want to be in the Great Tribulation, you need to repent to God today and get filled up with Him as your life. If you want to escape Satan's damage and God's judgment, you need to call on God by saying, "O Lord Jesus! Transfer me from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of God. I want to live in You and with You for eternity. Come into me to be my life. I need You now." Then you will enter into God's salvation.

He who has an ear let him hear what the word of God says to hearts of men! Don't wait before it's too late! Come and listen to the Word of God!

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