There is a good chance you are a crossdresser if you are a male and:

1.  You have had to fight the temptation to give your female co-workers some badly needed makeup tips.
2.  You now have more shoes in your closet size 12B than you do 10D.
3.   In college you heard there was going to be a panty raid and your initial reaction was to hide yours.
4.   On your last diet you set your goal by dress size not pounds.
5.   Whenever you see drag racing listed in TV Guide you immediately picture two guys in dresses and heels running the 100-yard dash.
6.   You're convinced that a Victoria's Secret model's real name is Irving and she is a Tri-Ess sister from New Jersey.
7.   When looking at the latest Victoria's Secret catalog you fantasize more about what it would be like to *be* one of the models, than what it would be like to be *with* one of the models.
8.   When scanning the ads in the newspaper magazine, your eyes always stop at any ad that promises quick and easy hair removal.
9.   You've had to blame your new eyebrow look on your barber.
10.  When you hear the song "Pretty Woman" you picture yourself and not Julia Roberts.
11.  When you button up your shirt, you keep reaching for the buttons on the left.
12.  If you can identify with one or more of the statements above you are in bad need of an evening out en femme.
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