A couple who have been married for 20 years were preparing for bed when the following conversation takes place:

Wife: "Honey, if I die before you would you remarry?"

Husband: "That's a morbid question!"

Wife: "No, I really want to know."

Husband: (pauses while he thinks a moment) "Yes I suppose after a decent amount of time passes I may remarry."

Wife: "Would she live in our house?"

Husband: "Well the mortgage is almost paid off - would you really expect me to move?"

Wife: "Would she wear my mink coat?"

Husband: "You know I paid $3,500.00 for that coat, would you really want me to sell it for a loss?"

Wife: "Would she drive my BMW?"

Husband: "No. Absolutely not. She doesn't know how to drive a stick shift!"
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