Nana Chapter 77 summary

The chapter started with Nana's mother, Uehara Misuzu, being photographed by Kurada from Search magazine. Misuzu tried to run away but stopped when Kurada mentioned Misato, Nana's younger sister,who was still missing. Kurada told Misuzu that he was only there to ask her why she left Nana years ago. Misuzu said that there wasn't anything to it than choosing a man over her daughter.

A short narration of Nana followed, "Hachi couldn't come and meet me [so] I lost all desire to celebrate. Thank goodness for my hectic work schedule which gave me no chance to sink into dejection. In the end, only my dream is able to save me."

The background images showed Hachi staring at the sleeping Takumi. Back in chapter 76, Hachi was supposed to meet with Nana because of Nana's 21st birthday. She couldn't make it, however, because Takumi went home looking really tired--because Reira went missing.

Then, change of location to Search magazine's office--where Kudo and the boss were talking about Reira's illness. They're thinking that this must a cover-up for something--and Kudo's thinking along the lines of Reira being pregnant and Ren being the father. Kudo and some photographer then told the boss that they're following Ren to keep watch.

Reira's illness--released to the media--is really a cover-up but of course, it's not because she's pregnant or in a relationship with Ren, but because she's missing. Ren was on his way to look for her, the same with the other band members and people from their management who were sent out to look for her.

Back to chapter 77--

Scene is Takahiro's house with his wife waking him up. Takahiro is Misuzu's son (Nana's half-brother, Misato's brother). The reason for his wife waking him up is because of a phone call from Misuzu.

Takahiro told Misuzu to come home already (she ran away when news or scandals about her came out--regarding being Nana's mother.. Nana didn't actually know that her mother was still alive--Nana was left to the care of her grandmother when she was five.) Misuzu told Takahiro that she knows where Misato is and that Takahiro should fetch her. Takahiro said he will, but Misuzu should come back home too, but she said she wouldn't.

Takahiro then tells her that Misuzu should be the one to fetch Misato. Then they'll (Takahiro, Misato and their father) forgive Misuzu for her past faults (referring to her abandonment of Nana).

Meanwhile, Misato is at Shion's place. She was telling Shion that her brother just got married, her father opened a new store, and her mother ran away from home. She said that her father hopes that her brother's wife will keep her company but she doesn't want to live with that kind of family.

Shion asks her if Misato ran away because of her mother but Misato said it was mainly because of her being in love with her brother--she can't deal with living together with her brother and his wife--and she also can't deal with the fact that she's in love with her brother.

Shion said that being in love is a nice thing, and that she should just do things to help those she loves instead of creating trouble for them. (I think Shion is hinting on her love for Yasu which Misato eventually realizes)

Shion said that she didn't want to be Yasu's girlfriend because even if she was, she laments:

"..but in the end, you still can't possess someone else. It's impossible. I have no wish to impose my will on others. I will only end up creating trouble for the other party and ruin everything."

Meanwhile, on the next page Nana's narration with the background of Ren's speeding car (very contrary to Shion's point of view)--

"I want him to sacrifice everything else to love me. I want him to die with me. Being arrogant as I am, I'm unable to curb my desires which seem set to deny Ren of his all.

..I'm scared. What can I do for Ren now? I can't even be by his side and hold him tight."

Yasu and Miu are shown waking up from making love. Miu apologized for making him stay--Yasu was supposed to go to Shion's place to fetch Misato but--hehe he blew her off for Miu.

Scene switches to Hachi calling Ren and confirms what's happening with Trapnest (of course, she's worried because of Takumi). Ren confirm's Reira's disappearance, and said that he's going to bring her back and that he's going to protect Trapnest. Ren said that after that, he'll go to Nana and patch things up, and if Nana resists--he'll just turn in a new leaf. Hachi was pleased.

Different images were shown--Takumi smoking on his bed, Reira with her mobile phone and staring into space, Ren's car speeding (the Search magazine people who were following Ren were panicking because of Ren's speed), Misuzu and Misato saying goodbye and thank you to Shion.

Then a radio announcement (Ren's the one listening to the radio)--"Coming up, we have a song by a band that many fans are hoping to see make a comeback--BLACKSTONES! (Nana's band)"

Ren was hallucinating (most probably)--because he saw Nana in a nearby building that he's passing through and--

shocked faces of the Search magazine people who were following him were shown. Then, Nana was shown in one of her meet-and-greet events with her fans--and the last page, showing Ren's car with the front half of it smashed in the building where he thought he saw Nana.

Nana's narration on the last page:

"Ren once said to me that he would take me along with him when he dies.. I don't want to be abandoned by him."

= = =

Well, this really gave me a shock. Even if there were already endless debates if Ren is going to die in the future (especially because of a future scene in chapter 71 when Hachi was shown to have a big picture of Ren in her living room, and her grown-up son named Ren), this chapter left me dumbfounded. The next chapter will be released in Japan in the first of October or earlier (I hope).. so we just have to find out then what happens to Ren.

I was disappointed to see no future scenes in this chapter, though. I was hoping there could be more clues as to what will happen in the future and what will lead to Nana's disappearance (as seen in future scenes in past chapters). Uhm--maybe Ren's death? Hehe. Or a bigger scandal involving Reira and Ren? Hehe. We'll have to wait.


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