The following data was furnished by Ms. Dawn M. Slayton (Administrative Assistant) of the Town of Hyde Park. Her mailing address is: P.O. Box 98, Hyde Park, VT 05655. Phone (802) 888-2300

Presented by John Hawley

Manning birth-death data from Hyde Park, Lamoille County, VT
Last Name First Born Died Reference
Manning ?? 2/12/1899 3/1/1899 H4 & I3
Manning ?? 2/28/28 2/28/28 L179 & N380
Manning ?? 5/4/32   P9
Manning Albert 10/8/1872   D48
Manning Archie H. 7/16/03   J19
Manning Arlene Nancy 6/4/34   P61
Manning Carieolyn P. 3/20/06   J86
Manning Carrie E. 10/17/1893 12/11/00 G12 & I4
Manning Charles W.   2/11/46 T135
Manning Dorothy Rosamond 6/10/37   P142
Manning Dorothy Rosemond 7/17/30   N525
Manning Edward 7/13/1877   D53
Manning Ellen Daugherty 1/31/29   N427
Manning Elvira E.(see note) 7/15/1899   H4 & I3
Manning Eva 9/3/1885   G3
Manning Everett 9/3/1885   G3
Manning Fern Ola 6/13/23   L73
Manning Francis Austin 3/23/12   J286
Manning Francis Homer 4/18/31   L235
Manning Frank 6/11/1881   D59
Manning Frankie Austin 5/21/32   P11
Manning George   5/16/1887 G5
Manning Gerald Vaness 7/4/01   H6
Manning Grace Alice 11/24/1898    
Manning Harland Mason 7/1/40   S64
Manning Henry Edward 3/9/09   J190
Manning Hugh Edward 7/27/33   P40
Manning J.M. 3/4/1862 12/6/1921 C26 & N60
Manning Julia 10/18/1857 4/2/1857 C21 & C39
Manning Kathleen Janette 6/11/33   P36
Manning Lawrence Stanley 4/11/33   P31
Manning Lillian Ann 6/24/41   S89
Manning Louise 2/2/36 2/3/36 P113 & R223
Manning Lucy   7/19/1857 C39
Manning Martin H. 12/16/1867   C31
Manning Martin H.   7/4/1872 D3
Manning Martin H. 10/2/03   J21
Manning Mary LaRose   2/14/44 T105
Manning Michael   5/16/1879 D10
Manning Perley 4/30/1884 6/2/1884 G2
Manning Rhoda Griswold   6/18/39 T5a
Manning Ruth Agnes 2/15/14   J332
Manning Sarah Jane 1/29/1865   C29
Manning Thelma Alice 1/9/18   J433
Manning Walter J. 5/17/1881   D59
Manning Willard   8/23/48 U8
Manning William P. 10/16/01   H6
Note: All the two digit years are 1900 years        
(28 would be 1928)        

Last Updated on 3/22/00
By John Hawley
Email: [email protected]


The following information was extracted from the 1870, 1880 and 1900 Lamoille County, VT census.

Michael Manning was 59 years of age on the 1870 census dated June 6th. His wife Mary was 50. There were three children living with them at the time. They were: (1) Abby Manning, age 7; (2) Mary Boyes, age 7; and (3) William Manning Age 15.

On the 1880 census I found a Wm. D. Manning, age 25 along with his wife Carrie H., age 20. There were three others residing in that household. They were: (1) Mary Manning, age 70 (mother), Edson Cook, age 70, (father-in-law); and (3) Abby E. Manning, age 19, (sister who was a teacher).

On the 1900 census I found William P. Manning, b. Apr 1875, age 25; wife Ella M., b. Dec 1872, age 27; and Evelyn E. (my grandmother), b. Jul 1899. They were running a boarding house with three boarder, one of whom was a widower by the name of "Hawley." William worked at a saw mill. Note: I believe the Elvira E. Manning indicated in the above table is my grandmother Evelyn E. Manning, b. 7/15/1899. This could be a transcription error. Also, William P. is Michael Manning's grandson, and John Manning's son

There was another William (D.??) Manning living next door to William P., but the microfilm was so badly smudged that I didn't extract much name info. He was head of the household, age 44, born May 1856, in VT, and his parents were both born in Ireland. His wife was born in April 1861, age 39. She had 5 children of which four were still living. One child was born in May 1881, age 19, and two children were born in Sept 1885, age 14 (twins), and I could not decipher any more data. Note: I believe this is Michael Manning's son that was on the 1870 census.

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