This picture was taken on August 10, 2005.

This is the best time to try to search for yourself the pups inside her by hearing the pup's hearbeat. Try using a stetoscope. You will be able to differentiate the mother's heartbeat from the pups'.

One way to tell that she is getting close to delivery is that milk drops can be found by gently pressing on the teet. This usually occurs a few days before delivery in preparation of the need to nurse her pups.

Another thing to look for is her need to nest - create an area for her impending delivery of the pups. I usually take my expecting moms and place them in their own private areas with a soft bed, extra blanket and plenty of food and water. I give them only puppy food to help with the extra nurishment that they will need. They will spend quite a bit of time arranging that blanket and bed and walking around. They also have access to go outdoors so that they can do their business without making any mess in their whelping area. Note: They should not be kept with other dogs as this makes them very nervous and they can injur themselves and the other dogs while trying to protect their pups and whelping area.





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