"Dermatitis (Mites)"


General Information

The same pollens and house dust that cause allergic reactions in people often cause allergic dermatitis in dogs and cats. Allergic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. It can be caused by many things, but regardless of the source, the end result is licking, scratching, and hair loss. This constant trauma will often cause chronic infections.

Causes Of Itching

It can be very difficult to distinguish between true allergies and the many local irritants that can cause discomfort to your pet. Some examples of each are listed below:

Allergic Causes/Results:


Flea Saliva/Flea Bite Allergy

Poison Ivy, Wandering Jew/Contact Dermatitis

House Dust, Ragweed/Inhalant Dermatitis

Certain Protein Sources/Food Allergy

Non-Allergic Causes/Results:


Tick Infestation/Tick Bites

Incomplete Shampoo Removal/Contact Dermatitis

Flea Infestation/Flea Bites




Sarcoptes, Otodectes/Mange


Your Veterinarian Can Help

To achieve success in treating allergic dermatitis, make sure you follow the instructions of your veterinarian. Your pets allergy may need to be managed by numerous methods including injections, oral medications, topical shampoos, dips, ointments, environmental treatments.


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