"Canine Parvovirus"


General Information

Canine parvovirus is everywhere in the environment just waiting for your puppy. The wise dog owner will protect his or her pet against this debilitating, sometimes deadly, disease. Parvovirus usually hits puppies the hardest. Adult dogs can also be infected, but are usually affected less severely. Cats, mink, and wild dogs are also infected by their own species-specific parvovirus.

The virus is shed in the feces of an infected dog. If another dog has oral contact with the infected feces, they become inoculated with the virus. Some puppies have more immunity to the disease than others. If their mother was properly vaccinated, she will transfer immunity to parvovirus in the colostrum, or first milk. These maternal antibodies may be present in the puppy for up to 20-22 weeks old.

Older dogs need to be kept up on their vaccines too. As they age their immune system may become impaired and they are more susceptible to diseases. Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers seem to be more prone to parvoviral infections than other breeds./P Besides vaccination, it is a very good idea to keep young puppies isolated from other dogs and out of parks where they may come in contact with infected feces, until they have completed their series of vaccinations. This will decrease their chances of being exposed to parvovirus.

This virus attacks rapidly dividing cells, like those in the digestive tract and cells in the bone marrow. Signs to look for are loss of appetite, lack of energy, vomiting, or diarrhea. The vomit or diarrhea may be bloody. Since these signs can indicate many diseases, it is important to see your veterinarian if your puppy shows any of these. Young pups, less than three months of age, can become dehydrated quickly. These animals can die easily if not treated promptly.

There is no drug that kills parvovirus that can be given to the dog once the animal is infected. The animal’s won immunity has to rid itself of the virus. Supportive care is very important in the treatment of parvoviral infections.

Sick animals need to be given fluids if they are dehydrated. Secondary bacterial infections may also be a problem. If an infections develops, antibiotics need to be administered to fight it. Treatment may take a couple of days up to several weeks, depending on the dog, its age, and the severity of the infection.

Parvovirus can persist in the environment for long periods. It is important to clean up after an infection. Washing the animal’s area with bleach and water in a 1:30 dilution will kill the virus. The bowls should be thrown away and the bedding either bleached or thrown away to prevent further spread of the infection. Discard all feces from the infected dog. Humans can also spread the disease on their hands if they touch feces from an infected dog and then touch a puppy without washing properly. Very small amounts of fecal material on the dog’s coat can contain large numbers of viral organisms and can easily be transmitted to a susceptible dog.

If you have any questions about parvovirus, call your veterinarian.

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