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Autobiography -Mariele Vivas Gaza

I was born premature in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh on January 3, 2005, In Dallah Hospital at idk what time. That day since I was just 8 months old and for some reason was too excited to wait a month more, there was a chance where either my mother or me wouldn't make it through the delivery (btw she has had 4 c-sections before me so she has been through a lot of cutting openeth), but thankfully we both survived (i did too sadly) and I was basically my parents new years surprise (sorta). I have 3 older sisters (one step-sister from my father) but this all bout me so who cares bout themm. Im not sure what my favorite color is, if its pretty and noice,then me likeu~. I have been an athletic-ish person since i was young so i pretty much play any sports I think I could play, meaning any sports involving ballss lol. My hobbies are; taking care and befriending stray cats, listening to music, and overthinking... I also write poems, and quotes ish and write my thoughts whenever i overthink (i also cri). In 2015 my sisters started getting addicted to this kpop group called 'BTS' and i pretended i did too, But i also got hooked to them a year ish later and now, welp, i got a wall tribute with pics of them... Its not like im addicted to them, the pics are just cute and the wall is just.. blank, plain, and ugly. and i printed them long ago when i was still cray and i dont got no other pics (stop judging me :<).

I was kinda a person that likes to make other people happy, even if it means me getting hurt or in trouble, but that was when i was getting bullied and had not much friends... Now i still try to make people happy but the difference now from before is i don't get hurt, and them smiling is enough for me to keep on trying to make them happy cuz, who would want that sad face all day? (if you say me you gotta problem.. wanna talk? and be prendss) plus you look ugly frowning ugh stop lemme show you my magic and make u bootiful lmao. Im in love with nature and like taking pictures of sunsets and unique cute lil plants i see growing randomly. I also like walking and sitting outside and just watching time pass by and the sun set while smelling the fresh air or just sit outside with a friend and talk about random stuff and be comf around each other (too bad i gotta live far away from dem). In the future i would like to be a Vet since skjdksdj Animals, excuse me? why dontchu wanna help them? people can do shiz on their own while animals need us, like legit most of ya'll just hunting them and putting them on the verge of extinction just cuz u want their horns and fur? bullshit i say.. I would like to be a vet in the future because yeah i wanna help them and try to save as much of them living in the streets and also teach people how to take proper care of their pets, like no you don't beat them up just cause they did something wrong or cause you failed your exam or to show them who's boss, for me all i hear is that your just really fucked up and need to go to a mental hospital. My goal in life is to find either a rare or endangered species and save them from all the cruelty in the world by keeping it in my house lol.

I am very grateful to all the people who have helped me get through whatever shit i was on a year back, im kinda better, i mean i haven't cried over something/someone for about 3 months now, unless its movies and TV series i can relate to then gimme sum tissues. But seriously tho, ya'll might not really see this but what the fck... thank you for being part of my life and being friends with me and being able to cope with my bullshit and for basically existing... Thanks for all the fun memories for 'Mga Walang Alam', 'Jebriele' and a lot of other groups we'll prolly have becuz of bea lol.

That's all i can think of me... for now ;)

Mariele Vivas Gaza ♦ 10 - Leadership ♦ May 18, 2020