Marimoon's Mystical Stuff

Enjoy poetry, opinions, and shared pagan information.

Well here it is! We are back in full operation now :-) There may be a couple things that don't quite work right yet, if you find one please let us know. Webmaster
We will have to migrate to a new guestbook (I think geocities has a good one...) So that may take a little more time. Until then you can e-mail us:[email protected]. Welcome and enjoy!
Blessed Be,

"A sense of wonder, of joy and delight in the natural world, is the essence of witchcraft. The world is not a flawed creation, not something from which we must escape, not in need of salvation or redemption. However might appear from day to day, by nature of it's deepest being it fills us with wonder."

From "The Spiral Dance"; By STARHAWK

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pagan unity gif

This site is still under construction, but we have tried to make it so you can browse through what we do have done so far. You can get to the main sections of the site using the links in the navigation panel to the left, and the sub-pages all have links at the bottom.
(the underlined links are operational, the others will be active as the sections are finished)

Some of the pages on this site have lots of, or some large pictures, so please be patient while they load -
They're worth the wait!

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