__ __ __ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ( \/ ) /__\ ( _ \(_ _)( _ ) ( _ \( _ \ / __) ) ( /(__)\ ) / _)(_ )(_)( ) / )___/( (_-. (_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_)(____)(_____) (_)\_)(__) \___/ LEGEND OF THE SEVEN STARS To mushroom way Start out watching a movie about the story of Mario RPG then talk to toad and then going back to bowsers keep.Then watch a short movie and talk to toad again to go to mushroom way. But as soon as you try to go out of the screen then toad knocks you on the head then gives you a mushroom for the 1 hp damage he did to you and ask you if you know about timed hits and items say yes or no but if you say yes on timeds hits you will waste 3 flowers! Next stop mushroom way! Mushroom way I would fight all the enimies in this part beacuse you will need the experience(Free Toad from the goomba to get a honey syrup) Then prepare to fight two Hammer Bros. Hp 100 each, after you defeat them you get the hammer! (equip it right away) then hop on the spiny flower fight the goomba and when facing the rocky platform hit jump and fight the flying koopa (you will get a flower tap for this)you can jump to the other platform and fight all the enimies then go to the next screen and select the mushroom kindom