In the original game, there were two groups of characters: those associated with the young lord Ogame - mainly samurai - and a motley group left behind in Ariki in the aftermath of war. Their individual stories are listed below. The order is chronological and can be explored further by cross-referencing the stories with the adventures and the GM's notes.


The Samurai
The Retainers

Autumn 1541


Enter the Spearman

Tighten Your Helmet Strings

Epilogue; Autumn 1541

Foreshadowings; Autumn 1541

Winter 1541



Cold Grey Sea

At the Butts



Big Man on Campus

Spring 1542



On the Run

Lying Low

Mutt and Jeff

Summer 1542

On the Road

Heading South

Foreshadowings; Summer 1542

The Graveyard

Shadows of Ariki

Autumn 1542

Haunted Temple

Waiting for Dawn

Unearthly Battles


Falling Leaves

Hunting Ducks and Princes

Ride Like the Wind

Road of Blood

Entering White Feather Castle

Putting the Pieces Together

The Living and the Dead

Alone in the dark

Swimming the River Mouth


Autumn Mud

Two Horses River


Winter 1542

Wind in the Leaves

Old Man and Youth

Late Night Loose Talk

Welcome to Korea

In the House of Master Yu

Poison and Fire

No Eyebrows

In the Hands of the White Lotus

Frustrating the White Lotus

Spring 1543


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