Clan MacKinnon

The Chief of Clan MacKinnon was awarded land on the Isle of Skye by Robert Bruce after the Battle of Bannockburn. At this time the family held estates in Mull, Arrran, Skye, Tiree, Perth, and Ross.

It is believed that the Clan was conected in some way to the MacDonalds.

The MacKinnons are of the Alpinian family, who fom 834 AD, till the death of Alexander III in 1285 AD, swayed the Scottish sceptre. Kenneth the Great took the name Kenneth MacAlpine, after his father. His bother, the third son of Alpine, was Prince Gregor, founder of Clan MacGregor. Prince Gregor had a son called Donn-gheal, also known as Dongallus, who in turn had a son called Findan, or Fingon, and this is the root of the MacFingans, or MacKinnons.

Clan MacKinnon tartan.

My earliest known ancestor of this name is my great grandfather, Duncan MacKinnon (1889? - 1972)

My closest relative of this name is my grandmother, Elizabth Finlayson (Betty) MacKinnon (1924 - Present)

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McNie, A. 1986, "Your Clan Heritage Clan MacKinnon", Cascade Publishing Company, Scotland.

If you have any information on this family please contact me.

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