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Poultry Breeds
Hi Welcome to Marks Poultry Pages,
I live in Warwickshire England i,m a hobby poultry keeper and have kept poultry on and off since i was a child, so when i started a family of my own i wanted my children to have the pleasure of seeing chicks hatch and nipping to collect the eggs etc. Being a member of several poultry clubs I sometimes show birds when i get the time  at local Poultry shows and sell surplus stock from hatching eggs to fully grown stock.
to find your way around my website click on the tabs on the left hand side of the page they link you to my other pages hope you enjoy my website
regards Mark.  
Home Page
Me and my youngest daughter Leah with some of our Frizzles.

They make great pets. 
My wife Sharon with a pet bantam we had called Scully
All pictures and graphics on this website  are of my birds, Poultry Arks, etc designed and made by me so please don't use them without my permission  
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