From Whithin

Through all this darkness there is a little light. Two special people that give sense to some of my madness. Alynka and Raven, my daughters. The circumstances in which they came to me isn't all sunshine and roses but I wouldn't change any of it. Well maybe some of it. Anyway this is just a space for them so I will not rant here.


Alynka Itati

Raven Alyxa

Age : 7 {11/19/97}



Age : 5 {12/16/99}

Education: 1st grade



Education: Pre-Kinder

Hobbies: Running endlessly, video games, reading, multimedia, The Sims 2, going to the movies, gardening.



Hobbies: Coloring, playing with paints, arts & crafts, video games, movies, gardening, and torturing big sister.



Alynka is bilingual - English/Spanish. She has won awards for her school for multimedia. Will compete in impromtu speaking this May.



Raven makes up songs for just about anything, cleaning, driving, giving hugs, etc. She doesn't know how to read but will make up stories with the pictures.

Some Pictures....

Alynka 1 yr

Raven 1 yr

Alynka 2 yrs old.

Raven 2 yrs old

Alynka 3 yrs. old

Raven 3 yrs old

Alynka 4 yrs. old

Raven 4 yrs old

Alynka 5 yrs. old

Raven 5 yrs old

Alynka 6 yrs old

Raven with Sariah (c) and Alynka (l) riding a mare in Mexico.

Alynka 7 yrs old





Background and all graphics designed by MarlaRav.
Graphics 2002 - 2005 © MarlaRav.
All rights reserved.
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