All about royalty - Belgium - Photo's

The family of princess Astrid, 2001 The family of princess Astrid, 2001

Philip and Mathilde in Wimbedon, 2001 Philip and Mathilde in Wimbedon, 2001
Philip always stays the same, here he is in Germany at the world expo in Hanover.
At least he behaved much better as his collegue Prince Ernst August of Hanover.

Astrid and Lorenz
A nice photo of Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz

Maria Laura and Joachim
Two of the four childeren of Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz: these are the rarely photographed Maria Laura and Joachim.

This photo is taken at the wedding of Philip and Mathilde, 4 december 1999
Left to right:
the parents of Mathilde
the married couple
King Albert, Queen Paola

MathildePrincess Mathilde

Albert King Albert II likes to drink beer, like all the belgians
Philip and Mathilde
Prince Philip and Princess Mathilde are typical belgians
Philip and Mathilde in New York, september 2000

LaurentPrince Laurent

Philip and MathildePrince Phillip and Princess Mathilde visited Prince Charles of England on 5 april 2000

Prince Laurent
The birth and baptising of princess Elisabeth

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