New Stuff

July 29, 2005
A real update, finally! I have added 28 new photos, including a section for the TV movie "Little Mo." I have added a few new links in the "Links" section, including several links to more photos. I also cleaned up the links page a bit, deleted expired links and links I felt were no longer current.

Although it has been awhile since I have found any new periodical articles, I am still looking for new information and do have some new Martin Milner movies that I hope to get pics from, so I will have another update soon (well, at least it won't take a year for another update, anyway. I have much less time to work on webpages than I did in the past, so my apologies for the delay in updating. I've been out of the loop for so long, the page may not have any visitors anymore. But if anyone does visit the page, enjoy!

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