Germany, 1987-1989

I was stationed in Ansbach, Germany (about 25 miles West of Nuremberg) from July, 1987 to July, 1989. The photos are divided by subject, and all were taken by me, except the ones I'm in.

Other Germany Pictures:

The Iron Curtain (Hof Border and Berlin)

1st Armored Division Maneuvers at Hohenfels


Above: Catholic church in the center of town. For some reason, many Catholic churches in Bavaria are painted this shade of yellow. I noticed the same phenomenon in Croatia. The Catholic church seen here was built in the 18th century, which makes it the "youngest" church in Ansbach: The Lutheran church, which was originally built as a Catholic church, was constructed in 1472!

Below: Mid-Winter afternoon in the Hof Garten (city park) in the center of town.

Above: View of Ansbach from the hills South of town, looking to the Northwest. Just another pretty little Bavarian town...

Below: Colmberg "castle" outside of Ansbach. Looks like a good site for a Hitchcock movie to me.

Schloss Neuschwanstein and the Swiss Border

Above: The Schoss (castle) Neuschwanstein, built by "Mad King Ludwig" of Bavaria. The Walt Disney castle was based on Schoss Neuschwanstein.

Below: Me, trying to look cool with Schoss Neuschwanstein in the background, Oct. 1988.

Above: Just a pastoral scene near a lake along the Swiss border. The shade of green in this picture is not an illusion: It really is THAT green!

Rothenburg and Bayreuth

Rothenburg Ob der Tauber (usually just called Rothenburg) is a beautiful little walled city near Ansbach, along the "romantic road" that runs through Southern and Central Germany. When my father and stepmother came to visit in 1988, my girlfriend Madlene and I showed them around both Rothenburg and the gorgeous Franconian city of Bayreuth.

Above: Judy, Dad and Madlene along the city wall in Rothenburg

Below: Dad, Judy, and Madlene at a cafe/gasthaus in Bayreuth

All images are � by Martin Albright unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

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