Republic of Korea

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Demilitarized Zone

When it comes to oxymorons (jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, journalistic integrity, honest politician, etc.), there is none more self-contradicting than the phrase "demilitarized zone" describing the border between North and South Korea. The so-called DMZ is, in fact, the most heavily militarized region in the world!

The photos below were taken in and near the DMZ in the vicinity of Pan Mun Jom, site of the JSA (Joint Security Area.)

Above: The marker that commemorates the site of the 1976 axe murders of US Army Officers Cpt. Arthur Bonifas and 1Lt. William Barrett

Below: The "Bridge of No Return" across which POWs were repatriated after the Armistice was signed in 1953.

Above, A view of the DMZ from Radar Site 1, one of the US surveillance sites that used to be maintained on the DMZ until 1992.

Exercise Photos

While assigned to the G-2 (staff intelligence section) of the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, I normally worked in the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC during field exercises. The DTAC was a highly mobile version of Division Command Post. The DTAC operated out of M-577 Armored Command Post tracked vehicles. In the picture below, one of the "tracks" is backing into the DTAC under the camouflage net.

"Friendship Jump" with 9th ROK Special Forces Brigade, August, 2000

In July of 2000, A Co, 5/19th SFG deployed to Korea for a joint exercise with the ROK Special Forces. While there we participated in a "friendship jump" with them. A "friendship jump" is a non-tactical "fun jump" where Paratroopers from each country get a chance to jump using the equipment of the other nation, and, incidentally, qualify for the other nation's Parachutist badge. Our jump was conducted on 1 August, 2000, at the Mae San Ri Special Forces compound South of Seoul.

Above: ROK chief parachute rigger beside the US Army CH-47 we were using for the jump.

Below: Capt Wise, A Co. XO, gives me the "Thumbs up" just prior to jumping.

Above: Jumpers "Shuffle out the door" (actually, the tailgate)

Below: AIRBORNE! Troopers put their 'knees in the breeze!'

Above: SSG Brian Wallace (L) and I, just after being presented with our Korean wings. Below: Commo Wizards Cpl. Mike Silic, SPC. Jerry Sherrod, and Cpl. Eddie Duke, just after getting their wings.

Miscellaneous Korea Photos

Below: The Republic of Korea is the only country I am aware of that has women as "operators" in their Special Forces. These women from the 707th Special Missions Group are practicing marksmanship (commercial postcard).

Above: Women of the 707th SMG apply camouflage prior to a HALO (military freefall) training jump (commercial postcard)

Below: At the ROK War Museum in Seoul, a little girl decided that a K-88 tank makes a nice "jungle gym" to play on.

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