Military Vehicles

As long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by military vehicles. I guess the thing I like about them is that they are often so utilitarian, so utterly devoid of any concessions to aesthetics or beauty, so absolutely dedicated to rugged functionality that they achieve their own kind of industrial perfection.

Although I don't own a military vehicle now, I did previously own a 1952 Dodge M-43 ambulance, (photo above, taken in 1994) a version of the M-37 3/4 ton truck that has become (along with the Jeep) the quintessential military truck for collectors.

Below are a some photos and links to various military vehicle sites.

I belong to the Military Vehicle Preservation Association

I subscribe to Military Vehicles Magazine

The LAST M-37 on Active Duty?

For those who don't know, the Dodge M-37 was probably one of the most successful military vehicles in US history other than the Jeep. The M-37 was designed immediately after WWII to compensate for some of the shortcomings that had been revealed in the Dodge 3/4 ton WC series of trucks during the war. The M-37 retained the WC-series 230 c.i. flathead six-cylinder engine and 4-speed non-syncromesh transmission. But, although the WC series of trucks is similar in many respects to the M-37 series, there were a number of modifications to the basic WC design to make the M-37, among them:

(For more information on the M-37, see the M-37 Web.)

The M-37 was in standard service with the US Military from it's introduction in 1952 until the late 1970's. In the late '60's, the M-37 was replaced as a standard light-duty truck by the Kaiser Jeep M-715, a very rugged looking truck that, unfortunately, was well known for being underpowered. As a result of the less-than-satisfactory reputation of the M-715, many M-37's stayed in service long past their phase-out date in the late 1960's, particularly with Reserve and National Guard units.

The M-715 only remained in service until the mid-70's, until it was replaced by the M-880, a variant of the commercial Dodge truck, which was itself phased out in the mid-80's and replaced by the M-1009 CUCV series (a diesel powered Chevrolet pickup.)

Since I joined the military in 1980, I was most used to seeing just the M-880 and CUCV trucks in active service. Although the M-715 was supposedly still being used in some units in the early '80's, I don't ever recall seeing one, much less an older M-37, still being used by the Army.

So, imagine my surprise when, in 1993, while attending the Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course (BNCOC) at Ft Huachuca, Arizona, I drove by a motor pool and saw an M-37, in olive drab, apparently still being used by the military there!

Last M-37 on active duty? Located at DEH Motor Pool, Ft. Huachuca, AZ. Photo taken in June, 1993. Notice the M-1008 CUCV immediately next to the M-37.

This M-37, which may have been a "B1" model, could not have been made later than 1968, which would mean at the time of this photo, the truck was 25 years old and still working! A pretty good testament to the quality with which the old M-37 was built.

In fact, this old warhorse, being used by the Directorate of Engineering and Housing (DEH), was probably much older than that, and may have been an original M-37 made in 1952! There aren't too many veterans who faithfully serve their country for over 40 years, but the Dodge M-37 is one that definitely earned its reputation as one of the best vehicles the US military ever had!

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