
The Cowboy State

Wind River Basin, looking Northwest

Wyoming has been my "adopted" home state since I started law school at the University of Woming in August of 2000. I like the state so much that I plan on staying in Wyoming once I finish school and pass the bar.

Fun Facts about Wyoming:

Autumn in Wyoming

Result of an autumn blizzard, 31 Oct 00

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone is one of the most amazing natural features on the planet. There is more geothermal activity at Yellowstone than anywhere else on earth. It is also a site of incredible beauty and an abundance of wildlife. Visitors to Yellowstone can expect to see deer, elk, antelope, bison (buffalo) by the hundreds, and even the occasional wolf or bear.

Photos below I took in October of 2000, about a week before the park closed most of its roads to all but skiers and snow-cats.

Above: View of Artists "paint pots", areas where superheated water has left mineral deposits in a brilliant array of colors

Below: Bison (buffalo) are so used to humans around that they casually munch on grass within a few feet of the walkway.

Above and below: Views of Lower Geyser Basin. Middle and upper Geyser Basins are more impressive still. "Old Faithful" is located near the Southern edge of Upper Geyser Basin.

Above: Murky, fetid, sulphur-laden hot water pool occasionally bubbles with boiling mud

Below: "Dragon's Mouth" blows out a blast of hot steam every 10-15 seconds year round.

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