I never fail to be surprised by the efforts that the majority of my friends in various twilight homes and locked institutions make to remain as spry as possible.They reveal their secrets exclusively here. (Assisted by some slightly younger friends for colour and contrast. )
Mike Campbell demonstrates the right way to keep fit in the over 50s and avoid exorbitant gym fees .Runner up in the Mike Campbell Doppleganger fiesta held in Bristol earlier this year-John Morris already shows a limited range of movement due to a life of indulgence and pampered luxury.
Julie Bown-the poor mans Eileen Fowler(or is it Pauline Fowler)-reveals at last to her admiring lip reading public the secret of her eternal youth.It is hoped that Julie will be contributing regularly to this column. Her first article will be on the importance of strong arm movements in step classes for which she has received many plaudits.
Memory loss is all too common in later life.This should be kept under constant review by asking the young at heart simple questions. Here Jenny has been asked "What is 2 and 8". She is signaling correctly that the answer is 10 as she has a terrible sore throat from shouting " MALCOLM!"
Here Chris Weaver enjoys one of the few pleasures left to her as she sits in her rocking chair.Spillage can be a real problem particularly in women of a certain age.These new highly absorbent and fully shaped tops"-Dr Blacks Tank Tops"-really do soak it up like sponges.You will notice that they do not go blue like most that you see advertised on TV.
Fred Robinson takes hydration very seriously. He puts down his massive virility and luxuriant Mustache to drinking at least 18 pints of any fluid a day.You will note however that due to his advancing years and overused prostate he carefully positions himself near to a convenience(shame its the ladies loo though Fred!)
Deafness can be a big bug bear in men of a certain age. Here Jacqui demonstrates that giving Mike a blow job once a week certainly pays off. Jacqui says that Mike is much more responsive after a quick session on the sofa.
Mary Grant ,Bristol's own Betty Boothroyd ,shows that unlike Betty she still keeps up the steps she learned as a windmill girl .Mary,unlike Betty, can still get into her old thongs and peep hole bras.If you want to see even more of Mary she can be seen lap dancing at the Derby and Joan nights at the "Hen and Chicken"in Henleaze every Tuesday.

A good diet and a healthy sex life are really the key to looking good in the autumn of your life.Lesley only eats seedless grapes that her maid has hand peeled and semi-masticated.
( For reasons of public decency the left hand side of this photo has had to be hidden from view- I can tell you that its very Margaret Duchess of Argyle.!)

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