Purple Reigns - R.Slicker
At the stroke of Midnight on 31 st December a surprise guest arrived at the Party of the year being held to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of Mary "Madge" Grant who once provided personal services and is well known for her association with queens and dukes.......
Ms Grant said " It was really great that she managed to make it to the do- she had even been dressed in purple by her page boys as that was the colour theme of my party."
Madge exclusively revealed as she opened her gifts the next day that her surprise guest had won the game of "Twister" and had greatly enjoyed the Quiz.

East Harptree Food Crisis Deepens
by Bianco Lodge- Foreign Correspondent

Residents of East Harptree gathered together at Tass's Tavern last night to share the very last banana in the Village.Ali Mackenzie said that he feared for his wife and daughters sanity should fresh supplies not reach the isolated village in the desolate wastes of Somerset before Thursday week. His daughter Kate raised community spirits with a rousing chorus of "Yes , We have no Bananas".




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