Dr. Pedro,

With great regret and rage, my brother and I must inform you of the assassination of our Captain, P.T. Barnum, at the hands of one Edwin Hargrove. While Captain Barnum put up a terrific fight by the number of spent shells from his Luger and the blood stains from where his shots must have hit their marks, his opponent was the luckier one that day. We know he was battling his long time nemesis Hargrove as the ballistic reports on the .455 bullets in Captain Barnum's body match those of Hargrove's Webley that we have on file. Rest assured, my brother and I will have our revenge.

On to present business. My brother and I have been trusted with the task of finishing several of our Captain's "business dealings." Our Colonel Bailey gave us access to Captain Barnum's account and we've been working through his mail. It appears you've been in the middle of a transaction with Captain Barnum? If you would be so kind as to brief us on the details, we are entrusted with the authority to continue and finish any of his dealings. Please use the pass phrase, "Menorhagiac Epistaxis" for any mail you send to this account. If you do not, the mail will not get through to us. Also, we have access to Captain Barnum's voicemail and fax number below if you need contact us there. In the meantime, we remain steadfast in our resolve.

Lt. S.B. Ringling
Lt. E.M. Ringling

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