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Dr. Thambo is called to task over his conduct.


Dear Mr. Thabo:

After spending 40 hours on various planes, imagine my
surprise to find that no one is there to greet me at the airport. 

I eventually found my way to a hotel, no thanks to
you. When I awake from some well-deserved sleep, I
check for phone or email messages and find out that
not only are you incapable of visiting a simple
website (yes, we have omitted something. Unfortunately, your security clearance does not permit you to see the website in question)
, you wanted me to stay at the Holiday Inn. And you accuse ME of not being serious!

Sir, when you finally decide to contact me, I am
staying at the Hilton Sandton. The number is 11 322
1888. Possibly I will be in my room. You may also
try paging Captain Morgan at the hotel bar (sort of an updated version of the Prince Albert in the can joke) If I am
not in either location, I am out enjoying

Mr. Thabo, I would recommend improving your conduct.


Don Morgan
Capt. USAF
Area 51

The good doctor gets all haughty.

Dear Don,
If you dont mind, what is your room number at
the Hilton. upon how arrogant you sound, you can't
even listen to your voice mail properly to recieve my
phone number. My number is 073-261-7863 you can call
or give your room number.


Last chance, Fred

Arrogant? I fly 40 fucking hours only to find out
that my contact incountry wants me to take the bus? 
And then to stay at a bloody Holiday Inn? Do you
understand why I might be a little upset?

We're not even counting how much personal risk I have
already taken bringing the amount of cash required.

I tell you what - you meet me at the hotel bar at 6
pm. I will be wearing a white linen suit and a red
bowtie. This is your last chance. If you aren't
there, I walk and I'll do business with the people I
met there today.


Don Morgan
Capt. USAF
Area 51

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