1079 - 1102

Władysław, also called Włodzisław Herman, was born around the year 1040 as the younger son of Kazimierz Odnowiciel. When his father left Bolesław the throne, he also left some land, probably Mazovia, to Władysław on a promise to respect the seniority of his older brother. But Władysław, on advice of the German emperor Henryk IV, and a desire for the throne, let himself be used against his brother Bolesław.

When Bolesław was exiled, Władysław took over the throne in 1079 and completely changed the politics of Poland by making the country an international arena. Not tied to the papacy as much, he held a quite submissive reign, gave up some kingly dignities, and even paid tribute to the Czechs. He also lost income from Red Russia. He interested himself in the affairs of Pomerania and tried to assert Polish supremacy in that land but without great results because Pomerania finally gained self-rule.

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