Specialist Assignments

On this page I'll let you know about the Specialist Assignments and what you can do with them,I couldn't find any pictures of them though!


You can use the Medic in Operation Bughouse 2 when you rescue him from J squad. The medic is a very useful trooper as he can heal men and is just as good as any trooper at fighting! One of the most useful things about a medic is that he can medivac wounded troops and save their lives. Any trooper can train on the job as a medic.

Combat Engineer.

You can use the Combat Engineer in Operation Royalty 1. A Combat Engineer can lay and detonate mines which is handy if a swarm of bugs are headed your way. He can also repair damaged buildings and your mens armour which is very useful to the veterans of your squad! Although he looks powerful in all his armour he's actually very poor at fighting! Any trooper can train as a combat engineer.

MIST Trooper.

The MIST Trooper is a sniper who can cloak for a certain amount of time and become invisible to the Arachnids. You have to rescue this trooper in Operation Rescue and he comes into use on the next mission when his sniping capabilities are used to take out federal troops controlled by a Brain bug. Any trooper can train to become a MIST trooper.

Special Talent.

You get the Special Talent trooper in Operation Mindsnare when you meet up with Colonel Cheng. He is a Special Talent trooper and is able to detect hidden bugs, control the bugs through his mind, create a psychic shield and generate a psychic shadow which makes him and the troops around him invisible. A Special Talent trooper is a great addition to your team!

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