The General English Placement Test found at the website consists of a sum total of 75 questions testing a wide variety of English grammatical as well as vocabulary-linked areas.
The test is based on the Common European Framework (CEF), and is thus divided into competence levels (A1 -- C1).
There is a time limit of 30 minutes set for the test.
After you have completed the test, you will be presented with a total of your points which correspond to the following CEF levels:
CEF Level A1 (Elementary)                        0 -- 15 pts
CEF Level A2 (Pre-Intermediate)                 16 -- 30 pts
CEF Level B1 (Intermediate)                     31 -- 45 pts
CEF Level B2 (Upper-Intermediate)               46 -- 60 pts
CEF Level C1 (Advanced)                         61 -- 75 pts