My FRIENDS picks!!!!
the one with the boobies.
All Time BEST episode:
the one where nana dies twice
All Time WORST episode:
My all around fav. character:
monica...why are they together?? ughh!!
My least fav. character:
usually chandler or phoebe but lately joey
has been really funny.
Who is the funniest:
Best looking cast member:
um duh, who is this site for again? matt
perry obviously
Funniest line on friends:
its hard to pick just one......
Favorite Season so far:
actually i would say season 8
bruce willis! omg those 3 shows were
so funny. but alec baldwin would be 2nd
best. he was hilarious!
Best guest star apperance:
Best couple: ross and rachel. damn it they better get
together this season!
any suggestions? email me
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