Poem 8


        ---------A Lovers Lulaby----------

The place look's nice and clean
The Bed look's soft and tender
The Sky look's so blue and the star so bright

All this it's make me feel miss you so much
It's remind me of you tonight
Remind me of our first time
In this bed in this room same as tonight
We are together..you beside me'
We talked we laugh we kissing

You told me how pretty i'm,how sweet i can be
You hold my hand we both o much in love
But tonight here i'm all alone
Oh! Darling i felt so sad coz you far far away from me

I look at myself i felt so cold
So lonely with out you my love
All i can do tonight is look at the sky and the star
Oh! the star please tell my sweet heart
That's how much i love him
Please tell him send him my love my heart
Tell him i'm waiting no matter how long how far

Waiting for you my love
I'll wait for you to come back
Wait for you to come to our bed room
Just like the frist night

Coz i knews i can't live without you
Please come home  come to our LOVE room.....

=======Nina =====Andrews=========


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