Way before the troika, Star Wars references permeated Buffy scenes and dialogue.  As David Fury says: "These are just lines that just come out of my head, and I forget that I make these references.  That shows you how much it permeates our consciousness.  I'm not even aware I'm doing it half the time."

For more comments by writers, go HERE
This feature was made possible in part by the wonderful article in the
Star Wars Insider Magazine; Issue 65, February 2003.
Fear Itself 4x5
While Oz checks out the sound equipment for an upcoming party, Xander asks him what's wrong.

XANDER: Sensing a disturbance in the Force, Master?
School Hard  2 x 3

Spike and a "souled" Angel have come face-to-face again after many years.  Spike doesn't get Angel's do-gooder/Anne Rice Routine, and laments his position.

SPIKE: You were my sire, man...You were my Yoda!
Forever 5 x 17

Ben, the "good" side of Glory, doesn't have an easy time of it when he keeps getting caught up in her situations.  He's particularly tired of dealing with her minions.

BEN: Tell my sister I'm sick of running into her Jawa rejects
The Freshman 4x1

Buffy's having a hard time adjusting to college life and she goes to Xander for some sound advice.

XANDER: Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to anger...No, wait...Fear leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side...Hold on...

Andrew and Jonathon fight with Lightsabers in Dead Things 6x13. The writers claimed that this scene was inspired by Doug Petrie and Joss Whedon fighting with their own lightsabers in the hallways of Mutant Enemy.  Apparently Joss picked up a functioning weapon at the San Diego Comic Con.
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