A-Z's Of McFLY
A - Amazing
B - Bolton
C- Chickens!
D- Danny / Dougie
E - Eeyore
F - Fletcher
G - Geetars
H - Harry
I - Incredible
J - Juddy / Jones
K - Katie Homes
L - Lovely
M - McFly
N - Nice
O - Overwhelming
P - Poynter
Q- QTea's
R - Randy. lol
S - Surfer Babe
T - Tom
U - Unsaid Things
V - Virtuos
W - Wonderful
X - (no word )
Y - Yummy
Z - Zealous
This Second A-Z is different from the other one, basically what you do i get your initials for example if your name is Tanya Simone Kay then your initials would be TSK you would find them in the A-Z's in that order and you would be Tom's Sexay Kitten, (this happens to be quite pathetic but tis just a bit of fun)

A - All of Their's
B - Babby Dougie's
C - Cute Tom's
D - Extraordinary Harry's
F - Fletch's
G - Gorg Danny's
H - Harry's
I - Irresistable Tom's
J - JoneS + Juddy's
K - Kind Tom's
L - Lil Dougie's
M - McFly
N - Naughty Danny's
O - Official McFly
P - Poynters
Q - QT Harry's
R - Randy Tom's
S - Sexay Danny's
T - Tom's
U - Unselfish Dougie's
V - Vitous Harry's
W - Wacky Danny's
X (sorry no word)
Y - Yummy Dougie's
Z - Zealous Tom's

A - Amazing
B - Bubbly
C - Cute
D - Dazziling
E - Elegant
F - Favourite
G - Gorgeous
H - Hot
I - Irresistable
J - Jaunty
K - Kool
L - Lushous
M - Main
N - Nice
O - Obliging
P - Polite
Q - QT
R - Radiant
S - Sexay
T - Top
U - Unselfish
V - Virtous
W - Witty
X - (sorry no word)
Y - Yummy
Z - Zealous

A - Apple
B - Brownie
C - Chicken!
D - Doughnut
E - Emerald
F - Female
G - Gal
H - Heroin
I - Icon
J - Jamjar (dont ask lol)
K - Kittne
L - Laydee
M - Maneater
N - Nightingale
O - Orange
P - Princess
Q - Queen
R - Ricecrispie
S - Surfer Babe
T - Tomato
U - (sorry no word)
V - Voilet
W - Woman
X - (sorry no word again)
Y - Youghurt
Z - Zebra (and again don't ask! lol)
If you can think of any words i can use for the letters i don't have please let me know, put a-z in the subject title thanx

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