Help Danny Home !
1. Danny wants to go home for his birthday and you've got 2 help him to get there. Danny's at Fletch's house, to get to London Victoria should Danny..........
A. Get a cab
b. drive in a car?
(click here)

2.Danny's missed his train should he...........
A. Go back to Fletch's he can get a train 2mora.
(click here)
B. Get a bite 2 eat and wait for the next train? (go 2 q3)

3. You've got a choice where do you wanna eat?
A. The Cafe (go 2 q4)
(click here)

4.After a lovely sandwich and cup-o-tea, Danny decides he needs the loo, but your train leaves in 5mins do you........
A. Force him to wait til he gets on the train? (go 2 q5)
B. Rush him to go as quickly as he can you'll meet him on the train
(click here)

5.You're on the train when you hear. "Ding ding ding, this train is non stop to Glasgow, enjoy your journey and remember no leaving the train until it has come to a complete hault" uh oh, wrong train do you.....
A. totally ignore what the woman said and hope off the train,
(click here)
B. Wait until you get to Glasgow, then get a train back to Bolton
(click here)
C. Pull the emergency alarm and hop off when it stops (go 2 q6)

6. You've finally got on the right train, its so quiet you gently fall off to sleep, and yes you've guessed it you've missed you stop! Do you......
A. Get a train back?
(click here)
B. Get a cab ? (go 2 q7)

7.There's no cabs for an hour do you......
A. Get a bus
(click here)
B.wait for a cab
(click here)
C. Call Dan's dad and ask him for a lift
(click here)
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