Help Harry Find His ChickenS
1. You, Harry and Doug have taken Harry's chickens for a walk, Doug insists they can fly and that Harry should take them off their leads do you..........
A. Do AS Doug says (go 2 q2.)
B. Put Doug on a lead?
(Click here)

2. OH NO! you've done as Doug says stoopid! now there's chickens left right and centre, do you.........
A. Go home without them they're just a bunch a stoopid chickens!
(click here)
B. Get the leads and run after them of course! (go 2 q3)

3. You've been running for a mile but there's no sign of any chickens yet do you..........
A. Carry on?
(click here)
B. Turn back (go2q4)

4.You've got to a crossroad you know that you've just come from behind you so you dont turn back do you..........
A. Go Left  (Go 2 Q5)
B. Go Right (Go 2 Q6)
C. Carry on? (Go 2 Q7)

5. You've caught 1 chicken, as you're trying 2 put the lead on it you notice another in a tree do you...................
A.Call the firebregade?
(click here)
B.Climb up and get it yourself, after all s/he is your chicken! ( go 2 q7)

6.You've caught a chicken when you notice another across the river bank, but you also notice a boy who's bike is about to fall in the river do you......................
A. Get ur chicken (go 2 q8)
B. Help the kids bike?
(click here)

7.Thats 2 down 3 to go, you've ended up at the entry to the park do you.............
A,Go back into the park? (go 2 q9)
B. Head of 2 KFC?
(click here)

8. 1 chicken! This chickens ur fave, Harry's fave do you.........
A. Go home you've got Harrys fave what more do you need?
(click here)
B. look 4 the rest b4 you go home!
(click here)

9. As you walk further into the park, you see 2 chickens tangled up in a rope, his helps you put their leads on, meaning 1 left to catch, do you..........
A. Look towards the trees?
(click here)
B. Out in the open?
(click here)
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