Help Tom Write That Lyric !
Well basically you're Danny and you're helping Tom write that Song! (",)
1. "Do Do Do Do Do Du!" hmmmmm sounds good right Danny what next? I've got...... "she's got a lipring" what else?
A."A Tash?"
(click here)
B. "Long, black, eyelashes?"
(click here)
C. "5 colours in her hair?" (go 2 q2)

2. Right "she's not into fashion" what will go with that?
A. "her clothes are kinda cool?"
(click here)
B."her Clothes make her fit?"
(click here)
C. "i love the clothes she wears?" (go 2 q3)

3. Right we should write something about a tattoo what do you think tho?
A. "i've never seen her tattoo?"
(click here)
B. It's a dolphin on her left arm?"
(click here)
C. "her tattoos always hidden by her underwear?" (go 2 q4)

4. and what bout how she thinks? erm........
A."she's upset about everything"
(click here)
B. "she don't care" (go 2 q5)
C. "She doesn't have feelings"
(click here)

5. Ok "everybody wants to know her.........." know her what dan?
A. name? (go 2 q6)
B. phone number?
(click here)
C. Address?
(click here)

6.What did i do to get her in my house????
A. "I hit her with a saucepan and dragged her in?"
(click here)
B. "i threw a house party and she came?" (go 2 q7)
C. Dan asked her to come in for coffee?"
(click here)

7. "everyone asked me....." ???????
A. "Who invited her?"
(click here)
B. "is that Dans bird!"
(click here)
C. "who the hell is she?" (go 2 q8)

8. Last but not least, i've got "that weirdo with......"
A. "5 colours in her hair!"
(click here)
B. "a pink tangerine"
(click here)
C. "5 chickens"
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