Daniel Jones
Biography On Daniel
Full Name: Daniel Alan David JoneS
Nickname: Danny.
Date of Birth: 12th March 1986
Place of Birth: BOLTON! (Bromely Cross)
Star Sign: pisces
McFly job: gee-tar n Vocals
Distinguishing Features: Freckles (aw) Blue eyes, straight teeth + of course his talent!
Treeheeos (aka family): Mammy, Daddy n sis (19)
Pets: 2 police dogs
Always have: Plectrum
Daniels Fave Things
Actor: Adam Sandler (woohoo go Adam workin wiv Jack Nicholson in Anger management)
Film: E.T
Programme: Police, Camera, Action
Song: Born in the USA or Born to run
Band: Bruce Springsteen & the E-street team, & The Who
Male solo artist: Bruce & Kelly joe phelps & John Mayor
Female solo artist: Eva cassidy & Alanis Morisette
Food: Spag bowl, warm cookies, cake, choco eclairse.
Drink: Grape n Melon high juice
School Subject: PE (he was ace at it (",) )
Chat up line: Don't av one whatever comes out (aw)
Sport: Footy
Car: Lamborghini, American Pickup, Muscle car
Hobbies: Guitar playing,
Words: Homodom & rat leg
Phrases: in a bit you smelly **** (censored for obvious reasons!)
Other Daniel Info
Bad Habits: Biting my nails
Biggest turn off: Harry's feet and Spots
Biggest turn on: Gals (we should hope so!)
Inspirations: uncle Andy, Mammy, Daddy, n Bruce (aw a lotta family there blesh)
Celeb encounters (excluding the other members of McFly hehe): Met busted (lmao Dannio)
Most embarresing moment: Was in exam and Sneezed then farted (ewwww! lol)
Self description: Innocent (aint we all?!), never stressed, chatty, don't get embarresed a lot.
Motto: Treat others how you'd like to be treated
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