This Is What I'm Tired Of......
Do you want to know why?
  Well let me just tell you. coz this picture just happens to be one of my best matios pictures. which i know full well she did not give permisson to any of these theives who have it up on their websites!

  Me and my matios (The Disney Girls) happen to be the first fans to ever meet McFLY and the picture below is the first ever fan picture from when we met them back on the 20th of September 2003 at the Disney Awards. And frankly i'm sick to death of seeing OUR picture on other peoples websites.

  McFLY know of these theives and find it disgusting that people have stolen Our picture and have it on their sites as you can see below. So if you do So happen to have stolen our picture and have it up on your site you're name is probably on the page of my site called BLACK LISTED.

   If your website name is not up there and you have our picture, don't worry we'll find out soon enough. So i suggest you take the picture down before we get the chance to black list you and your webiste.
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