Dougie Poynter
      Biography On Doug
Full Name: Dougie Poynter
Date of Birth: 30th November 1987
Place of Birth: Essex (Oset Hospital)
Star Sign: Sagittarius
McFly job: Bass, Lungs and Throat
Distinguishing Features: Bleached Hair / shortness?!
Treeheeos (aka family): Mammy, Daddy, Sis (Jazzie)
Pets: 2 lizards, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster, and 1 frog
Always have: Plectrum
Doug's Fave Things
Actor: Brad Pitt
Actress: anyone fit!! Hilary Duff.
Film: Urethra Croniclas - Blink 182
Programme: anything off MTV (cribs, making of, Diary)
Song: Don't tell me it's over - Blink 182
Band: Blink 182
Male Singer: Tom Delonge
Female Singer: that bird from evanescence (luvly description Dougie!)
Gig: New Found Glory, Finch, Starting Line
Drink: Lucozade
Food: Greek, Seafood.
Car: I don't like cars!
Skoolio Subject: anything you don't have to do much in. (luvin that potential Dougie!)
Chat Up Line: Don't have one, that's why i don't have a girlfriend.
Hobbies: Spying on Harry at night (rightio, kinda worring!)
Other Doug Info
First Gig: Wet Wet Wet at Wembley
Bad Habits:
Eating Other Peoples dead skin
Turn Offs: Camel Toe, Richard
Turn Ons: Girls in Thongs
Inspirations: Gareth Gates
Embarresing Moment: When i blocked up the toilet with a monster poo, we later named Jeff (??)
Celeb Encounters: Met Blink 182 at Juon Henry's
Motto: What's a Motto.
What does he get free: Etnies clothing
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