*Chapter 13*
"aaaaaaaahhh" *Tom yawned sitting up stretching his arms in the air.
"oi oi mate!" Dan said falling into the living room then standing up just to fall on Tom.

"get off of ME!" Tom shouted, still angry and jealous that Dan had a date with Naomi and it was all his fault.
"ooooooahoooooo, whats wrong with yeeeeeew!" Dan said laughing.
"you're pissed aren't you?!" Tom said pushing Dans head off his leg
"meee-nooooooo-course-meeee-drunk-haa" Dan said slurring all his words.
"what did she do to you!" Tom said annoyed that Dan was so irresponsible
"oooo you don't wanna know!" Dan said laughing.
"oh shut ya face just go to sleep" Tom said standing up and storming out the livingroom.

*Tom sat at the kitchen table and picked up his song notebook and began writing. after sitting and scribbling for 10mins he picked up his guitar and began strumming a tune*

"this girl that lives just up the road from me, she has......." Tom began singing.

*2hrs later*

*Tom re-arranged all the papers he'd torn out of his notebook, as Harry came in through the back door all the papers Tom had neatly arranged went flying across the kitchen floor*

"will you watch what the hel you're doing!!!!" Tom scretched in Harrys face
"jeez sorry mate." HArry said rather scared
"Don't call me your mate, its you as well your fault all of you i hate you all!" Tom said storming out the room and then upstairs.

"wooo, wonder whats up with him!" Harry said picking up Toms papers and reading them as he did so. *Harry began to read aloud*
"he doesn't like you"
*and another*
"i'm the one you need"
*and another*
"you're too good for me"
*and another*
"why did you pick him?"

and so on until he came to one that made him stop in his tracks......

"you were my best mate, but look what you've done you've messed up the world, we can no longer be friends, since you stole my girl"

"wow!" Harry said, looking at up at the walls and biting his bottom lip. "i had no idead Tom liked her so much, i mean he's never let girls get to him, and, Dans hurt him so much, he's even having a go at me!" Harry said getting up and walking into the livingroom

"dan" Harry said nudging Dan who was snoring on the couch
"DAN" Harry said nudging him a bit harder
"danny" Harry said getting a bit more fustrated
"DANNY" HArry said slapping him round the head

"what what, i'm awake, wheres the fire?" Dan said sitting up straight,
"hey?" Harry said puzzled by Dan
"sorry, i was having that dream where i was a firefighter again, you know the one where........" Dan said before harry interupted him
"Yeah i know the one Dan" Harry said rolling his eyes, "listen, about you and Naomi" Harry began, sitting down next to Dan
"oh yeah her, god i didnt really wanna go out with her much, now she wont leave me alone" Dan said rolling his eyes.

"REALLY!" Harry smiled from ear to ear.
"yeah why you don't want her do ya?" Dan asked.
"no but i know someone who does!" Harry said talking as if it was a fruit that can be passed from person to person.
"what you getting at?" Dan asked
"listen i've got to go to work now but i want you to go and talk to Tom" Harry said standing up
"what about?" Dan asked
"he loves Naomi, and he needs her more than anything" Harry said as he walked out the livingroom door.
"just promise me you'll talk to him!" Harry shouted from the kitchen as he grabed Toms toast and then his jacket an headed out the door to work.

"hmmmm, talk to Tom." Dan said "right after i've had a little longer ot kip" dan said snuggling back up on the sofa.
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