"so you definately rand the grils Danny?" Tom asked once again , this time reasuring himself.
"erm, i thnk so" DAniel said not really bothered.
"WELL! ring them and check!" Tom said panicking
"ok, ok, keep your knickers on!" Danny said laughing as he walked over to a jaffa covered fone
"stop telling me to keep my knickers on!" Tom yelled
"but then you might go commando on me!" Danny giggled
"shut up and just ring them will ya!" Tom moaned.
"eeeeeeeeeeer, when did James come round?" Danny asked while brushing off the sticky goo from the reciever
"yesterday" Harry replied "we played PS2 all day don't you remember"
"i wouldn't i was out on a date!" Danny said grinning
"DANNY! Ring them already!" Tom shouted
"jeeeeez, keep ya .........*notices evil glare from Tom* alright, alright im dialing!" Danny smiled

"Hello Lambert resisdence and what can i do for you" Adam answered.
"er, hi Mr erm Lambert, r erm any of your erm...daughters there?....please" Daniel stuttered losing some of his confidence.
"what you'll settle for any of them then?" Adam laughed.
"ha, erm, yeah any of them...please" Dany said as politely as he could, seeing as you wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of Adam.
"i'm only joking with ya lad, hold on a minute son." Adam chuckled.

"GIRLS!" he shouted causing slight temporary damage to Daniels eardrum.
"Yeah" they all replied
"phone!................one minute lad" Adam said
"ok....thank you" Daniel replied

"i'll get it" Nush shouted from her room.
"hi Nush speaking, is this prince charming?" She joked
"oh hi, its me Daniel"
"Oh no prince charming!" Nush sighed laughing
"har har, i'm just ringing to make sure that i rang you 2 invite you lot out for a meal ya know to celebrate getting signed."
"No what you talking about?" Nush asked
"oh no don't say that!" Daniel shrieked
"im just kidding ya did, i know what your like, you only wan know us now were famous!"
"hey u that's not true, and you aint famous YET!" Daniel laughed
"wooo im kiddin keep ya knickers on!" she laughed
"but ya know what your brain is smaller than a pea! you did fone us and you best go now cause we need to do our makeup!"
"oh you sure you've left long enough" Daniel joked knowing they still had half and hr before they had to leave.

"don't be cheeky!" nush giggled,
"i was jokin! Daniel murmered
"i know i know!" Nush giggled again.
"ok i'll let you erm go then" Daniel said, "see you at 7"
"ok" she hung up the fone

"i.....i.....w....wan" Tom laughed throwing a pillow at Danny
"shut ya cakehole" Daniel snapped throwing the pillow back "why do you always bug my convos?! I h8 it when you do that!" DAniel shrieked
"only coz you sound like a right plank!" Tom laughed *Harry laughed too even tho he didnt know what they were laughing at, he just didnt want to feel left out*

"why is that Dan?" Tom teased
"shut up i dont!" Danny protested
"nah like it didnt sound like it yesterday when you was talking to Lizi on the fone, i dont think you were that Bad but then again i dont think Adam would appreciate the convo you was having with his daughter either" Tom smirked
"what!!!" Danny shrieked
"you heard my convo with Lizi?!" Danny said with his eyeballs nearly poping out of his scull
"what do i gotta do to get some privacy around here!?" he questioned storming outta the room.
"turn g4y!" Tom joked
"huh?" Harry said getting involved
"well if he's *** we wouldnt wana hear his dirty fonecalls would we!" Tom laughed hysterically
"ARGH!!!" Danny yelled slamming his bedroom door shut.
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