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Bishop Hansel H. Henry

Vice Bishop of the Mt. Calvary Holy Churches of America, Inc.

       Bishop Hansel Harrison Henry is a native Baltimorean. He left Baltimore in 1968 after graduating from
       Morgan State University. He was the first to receive the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship at
       Boston University while completing his Master of Theology degree. Some years later he
       completed his Doctor of Ministry program at United Theological Seminary. 

       In 1972, he was assigned to pastor Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Harold I.
       Williams is the Senior Bishop of the Organization, which also bears the name Mt. Calvary Holy
       Church of America, Inc. In 1983, he was assigned to pastor the Mt. Calvary Holy Temple
       Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Since 1982, Bishop Henry has served as overseer of the Mt.
       Calvary Holy Churches in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin District, London, England, Barbados, and
       West Indies. He will continue to hold that jurisdictional in addition to his assignment as 2nd Vice
       Bishop of the International Mt. Calvary Holy Church, Inc.

       In 1984, he brought the R.E.A.P.I.N.G. Vision (Reconciling-the last Excellence-in duties
       performed, Aiding-the needy, Preaching-the gospel, Increasing-the membership, Nurturing-the
       church family, Growing-in grace) into the church and community as a directive from what
       Christians should be doing in setting goals towards fulfilling the Commission of Jesus Christ. 

       He added the concept of AWESOME Ministry (Administration, Workers, Education, Service,
       Outreach, Music, Evangelism) to the church in 1985 to give organization to the multiplicity of
       duties in the expanding ministry needs. In 1986, he began negotiating for the purpose of a
       building and site for a Senior Citizens Home. In early 1987, he went settlement for the purchase
       of the building. 

       Bishop Henry has a commitment to education, believing to education, believing that, "An
       educated people are a people who can better live for God." With this focus in mind, he brought
       the Bible Institute back within the walls of Mt. Calvary Holy Church. He has also established a
       bookstore in the church. His vision of a Christian elementary school was brought to fruition in
       September 1998 with the opening of the Baltimore Christian Academy. 

       Bishop Henry believes that the local church is called to play a vital role in feeding and sheltering
       those in need. The many outreach programs at Mt. Calvary attend to the basic needs of the people
       in the surrounding community and serves as a daily beacon of hope. 

       His experience is inclusive of a wealth of social and community involvement. Some of the offices
       he has held include: Executive Board Member NAACP, Vice President Interdenominational
       Ministers' Alliance, President Central Committee House Board (a United Way Agency). 

       Some of his accomplishments in his church organization are Co-Sharing the 50th Year Jubilee
       Celebration, publications of the National Education Manual and Assistant to the Senior Bishop
       for Convocational Affairs. 

Click here to email him: Bishop Henry, [email protected]

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