Credits to this site...
Bibliography for this site came from the following�:
(I know you authors are busy, but I thank you for the sources...)
Biographies of�: Johnny Rougeau (Written before his death...)
Mad Dog Vachon
Baillargeon Brothers
Yvon Robert (Excellent Bio by Pierre Berthelet, read it !)
Websites� (it folded down recently...)
CANOE, Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame, Greg Oliver
Canadian Wrestling Page of Fame (Gary Will)
The Other Arena
Some help from Darren Gleason, for the 70's page...
Photos: Danielle Lafrance, Ludger Proulx, LUTTE.COM, SlobberKnocker Central
Denis Paill�, Paul Leduc.
Plus many others to be added later
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Copyright 1999, Productions Leduc 2000 ltd, Montr�al, Qu�bec, Canada
Re-Published in 2004 by DeUxKonE
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