<BGSOUND SRC="another_brick_in_the_wall_part_3.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

MDX Amateur Radio Club


Article I�� Name of non-profit organization:

����������� The Name of this non-profit organization is MDX Amateur Radio Club

Article II.� Purpose:


1. To promote radio communication assistance for any Civic Action &amp; Emergency situation within the community, if called upon to do so.

2. To promote respect to fellow hams.

3.To provide a gateway for people to get involved in the ham radio communication.

Article III.� Membership:

1. Open to all interested people with Amateur Radio licensed and good moral character.

2. All new members are required to show their amateur licensed for verification.

3. Members are eligible to participate in any, or all activities of the MDX Radio Club, including the general meeting every first Sunday of month at exactly 3:00 PM , the election process and holding office.

4.All members are expected and encouraged to contribute toward the functioning of the organization.

5. The annual membership meeting shall be held every third Sunday of May at 3:00 PM.

Article IV.� Board of Director:

1.The Board of Directors shall consist of five members who shall be elected at the

Annual membership meeting.


2.The Board of Directors shall have quarterly meetings:

January 25

April 25

July 25

October 25


3.The Board of Directors shall have such other meetings as are called by any three

Members of the board.

4.The Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of fifty percent plus one to conduct

Any business properly before the Board.

5.The Act of a majority of the Directors present at the meeting shall be the decisions

Of the Board of Directors.

6.The Board of Directors shall be vested with the power responsibility for the

Management of MDX Amateur Radio Club.

Article V.� Officers:

The executive committee will be formed from MDX Amateur Radio Club members and will consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations officer�


Article VI.� Duties:

����������� President:


1. To arrange, attend, and preside overall meetings.

2. Must prepare an agenda for the meetings.

3.To act as an official spokesperson on behalf of the MDX Amateur Radio Club meetings.

4. Is responsible for promoting the activities of the MDX Amateur Radio Club and fulfilling the objectives with the cooperation of the other members.


1.Will substitute and assume the responsibilities and the duties of the President during his/her absence.

2.To assist the President and perform the duties assigned by the President in the administration of the Organization.

3. Works in conjunction with the public relation chairs in performing their duties.


1.Takes minutes of the executive meetings.

2. Is obligated to notify all members of the meetings.

3.Keeps updated records of all members.

4. Works in conjunction with the publicity chair and the committees.


1.Receives all fund due to the organization, collect dues of MDX Amateur Radio Club.

2.Keep an accurate account of all monies received and disbursed and of proper vouchers.

Public Relations:

1. Responsible for coordinating of MDX Amateur Radio Club inside and outside public affairs.

Article VII.� Election of Officers:

1.The term of office for all officers shall be one calendar year, and it terminates two weeks after the new elections are held. Whereas the previous officers are obligated to assimilate the newly elected officers into their positions.

2. Elections shall be held annually every third Sunday of November at 3:00 PM.

3.Officers shall be chosen from full time or active members.

4.A nomination meeting will be held two weeks prior to the elections for possible candidates for various officers positions.

5. All active members are entitled to vote.

6.To be elected as officers, a simple majority of the votes will be necessary.

7.All voting will be by secret ballot only.

8.An officer will be allowed to hold multiple positions only if necessary.

9. An officer may be re-elected as many times as he/she wishes.

Article VIII.� Removal of Officers:

Removal of an officer shall require twenty percent vote of the total active members of the MDX Amateur Radio Club.

Article IX.� Meetings:

1.Executive meetings will be held every last Saturday of month , the time will be set by the officers.

2.General meetings will be held every first Sunday of month at exactly 3:00 PM.

3.The President can call on the officers and the members under extraordinary circumstances.

Article X.� Finances:

All expenditures will be approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer and the President will be authorized in approval and signing.

Article XI.� Communication:

Communication regarding activities and meetings of MDX Amateur Radio Club will be announced on the organization every Monday and Thursday evening net call at 7:00 PM.

Article XII.� Amendments:

Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed by a majority of Directors present and voting at any regular or special meeting, provided that at least five days written notice given to each Directors of the intention to alter, amend or add new by-laws.


Date: May 9, 2000


COPYRIGHT MDX Amateur Radio Club 2000.All rights reserved.

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