pilgrims have visited the Shrine.
BUT HEY! Kagyuushi tomoiu Tenson, May the Fay, Grey of the Silver Hair, Gayle, Katatsumuri tomoiu Kiji, Nasu, and Vegeta Clone are mine. My Animations are mine, and so is my character, Yasha Otata, and  my names (ie Otata Kami-sama Briefs, The Sacred Potato) They are copyrighted to ME! These are Copyright 
                                                                      (c)1999-2002  Otata Kami-sama Briefs                

I do not own Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, Gargoyles or any of those other popular shows/mangas/ideas.
I am just an adoring fan.
Green Rapture :: Kami-sama
So, this is the NEW and some-what IMPROVED site! What do you think?
Of course you like it. Why wouldn't you? ^_~
September 14, 2002 Added a new section, "Miscellany", and combined "Fanart" into "Drawings". Misc. has a few neato new thingies. I also added a GIR gif in "Drawings".

June 5, 2002
Ack. I think that I am done for a while. Massive broken-link fixes. Added links... Um... I still have to FIND some things... But, that can wait.

May 31, 2002
Slow, Slow, Slow... I'll get 'er done. It is summer after all. No School. Woo!
email me
animated gifs
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